I've recently done a pretty much full system upgrade. As such, I've been
doing a lot of benchmarking to test the performance in various different
One of my benchmarking tests was to run the 3DSetup program included with
F1 Challenge '99-'02. It does a test and reports triangle performance.
So I'd pick a resolution, run it and record the results. Then I would
enable FSAA and anisotropic filtering at various levels, re-run it and
record results. But I noticed that a bit later when I went to a
resolution I had already tested, I got much lower figures. Then I
eventually tried turning the settings off and on, and I was getting the
same triangle performance with full 6X fsaa, 16X quality aniso, than
Well, it turns out that the changes I was making to the fsaa and aniso
settings were not always taking effect -- even though I clicked "apply"
and when prompted by the applet whether I wanted to apply the settings
"now" or "later", I chose "now".
Rebooting the system seemed to get the changes to stick.
Quite an annoying problem though, that destroyed the validity of my
So anyways, for those that say enabling full fsaa and aniso incurs no
performance hit, be certain that the settings are indeed being activated!