> > > Hey, just curious to know just how bad of a nascar sim junkie I am
> > compare
> > > to everyone else.
> > > How many hours a day would you say you spend racing, either against the
> > AI
> > > or online??
> > > Hmm... this should be interesting!
> > > Tom
> > > #22 Copperhead Ford
> > Yep... Very interesting.... :-)
> > I use 2-4 hours a week on GP2 (GP2 only ;-) ICR2 is ***y impossible
> > !!!!!!!!
> > In the F1 season I race with a friend, when the real F1 race is driven.
> > Practice 4-6 hours before the session, and then a full race day with 6-8
> > hours. The looser gives a free meal afterwards ;-)
> > It's just an amazing game !!!!!
> > Mose
> I have been "playing" Indycar then Indycar II since May 1994. Rarely a
> day goes by without at least an hour of "track" time. I'm not sick of it
> yet and I am actually considering Nascar II....although I'll have to
> give that a lot more consideration.
> Is it possible to do both and obtain an equal measure of proficiency ?
> Is there any advantage to going back and forth between Indycar and
> Nascar ?
> Does anyone that does both have any thoughts on it ?
> Thanx
I have ICR2, Nascar and GP2. I switch back and forth all the time and
have no problems at all, once you get used to each sim there is no
trouble going back and forth :)