it is an Alastor 9550 256m card. Well...........the damned thing never
worked for more than 5 mins. It froze on at least 3 of my games. It even
froze doing a benchmark on it. Went back to my built by ATI 9000 pro for
now. I now have an almost $200 store credit to replace the card with.
This would be CDN dollars. I am thinking either the 9600pro, 9600XT or
the 9800pro, 9800XT. Other than the fact the 9800 will run me more
money, are the differences too subtle for a more casual gamer to notice
to warrant a bigger price tag?? I'd really rather not sink another $200
into the card, BUT..........if it can keep up to present games and offer
some eye candy and fluid movement, I'm up for it. Other than online I
haven't been able to actually hold any of these cards side by side to
compare.....including price. Can some really nice CDNs out there give me
some ideas on the purchase price of any of these?? Sorry for being
longwinded, but this card will have to last me for some time now. $200
initial cost was not out of my budget, another $200 may well be and I'd
like to make a wise choice. Thanks all