Boy, I don't know where to begin. I'd rather not get into a long post
here, but I am continually amazed at how these posts get started.
Papyrus has been in a very fortunate position over the last few years
by being the only game company with a NASCAR license. We have been
very successful with our NASCAR products (as has NASCAR) and have a
great working relationship with NASCAR. NASCAR made a decision to
allow EA interactive rights to their property as well. Would we
prefer to be the only NASCAR player in town? You bet, but it's not
the case anymore. Does that mean we won't be doing anymore NASCAR
products? ABSOLUTELY NOT. We are committed to that license and
improving our NASCAR games in the future (we are also committed to
expanding our product line into other racing series, and by the way,
we have not given up on CART).
This competition between EA and Papyrus can only help one group,
that's you the customer. (Actually, I think it can really help the
developers at EA and Papyrus create better product).
As far as EA having more muscle to "edge" Papyrus out of the NASCAR
license, remember that Papyrus is part of Sierra which is part of CUC
which also owns Davidson, Blizzard, Berkely Systems, among others.
CUC has plenty of money and muscle to stay right in this market.
Adam Levesque
General Manager - Papyrus
>>> 1. EA has acquired exclusive Nascar license. I am not sure if if an
>>> exclusive licensing but there seemed to be a heavy emphasis on it in
>>> the press releases at both EA and Nascar. EA made a Nascar game
>>> before for the playstation and there wasnt such a big deal made about
>>> it, this announcement seemed bigger.
>>EA's license is not exclusive. To my knowledge (and I would probably
>>know), EA has not previously made a NASCAR game for the PSX.
>I stated earlier that I was not sure if there was an exclusive
>license, you say there isnt one which is fine with me. I am hoping
>that Papyrus would continue to make racing sims. I just hope the same
>thing that happened with Indycar didnt happen with Nascar.
>>> 2. Papyrus went to E3 but set up five blocks away from the convention
>>> center. That seems to be the action of a company who is trying to
>>> keep a very low profile which seems odd for a company who is
>>> supposedly partnering with Nascar next month to start NROS.
>>CUC Software made that decision, presumably because they know they can
>>afford to get a captive audience by forcing them away from the sound and
>>fury of the rest of E3.
>If that was their strategy I hope they found it to be successful. I
>personally thought that was the beauty of these conventions, being
>able to see all the companies under one roof looking and comparing
>each companies products.
>>> 3. Papyrus demoed SODA but NOT Grand Prix Legends. That leads me to
>>> believe that SODA will be the last game Papyrus releases. It was too
>>> close to done to not release it. You know they have at least an alpha
>>> version of Grand Prix Legends to demo if they wanted to.
>>Yeah, everyone KNOWS that there's an alpha version of GPL to demo. Hell,
>>they're probably just going to sit on it for a few years until the
>>technology is totally outdated. By the way, all those same people know
>>what's in Area 51.
>If there isnt an alpha version of GPL then there isnt but from my
>understanding they didnt preview NROS which is supposed to start in
>late July. Is there not an alpha for that one either? BTW I think
>that Elvis and YMenard are in Area 51, but please dont tell anyone I
>>> 4. Ed Martin left Papyrus, why would a guy who put everything into
>>> NROS leave before it started? I mean this is the kind of project that
>>> could be your meal ticket for years to come. I bet Ed still reads
>>> this newsgroup and would love to reply but I am sure he signed a legal
>>> agreement when he left Sierra. Who has Papyrus officially replaced Ed
>>> with?
>>I'm sure you know the answer, since you claim to have been following the
>>Papy news closely. I find it strange that you, someone that I've never
>>heard of, is "sure" about what legal agreements exist between Papyrus
>>and former employees. I certainly didn't see you cc'd on any of the exit
>>paperwork when I left.
>I dont know the answer that is why I posed a rhetorical question. I
>wish Ed were still with Papyrus. I thought he was doing an good job.
>I am sorry you have never heard of me, I didnt know that was a
>requisite to either read or post in a Usenet newsgroup. The use of
>the word sure on my part was an error and I retract that, but I still
>find it odd that a guy who posted in here on a regular basis doesnt
>post at all anymore. I enjoyed his posts and his candor.
>>> 5. Who is really left from the original Papyrus? I dont know maybe
>>> someone in ras knows.
>>Most of the heavy hitters: read the manuals and credits for IndyCar,
>>NASCAR1, ICR2, and N2. Pretty much everyone who makes Papyrus games
>>great is still there.
>>Any healthy company has some non-zero level of employee turnover. It's
>>unavoidable. Another company came in and made me an offer that was in my
>>best interest. I miss Papyrus, but I still know I did the right thing by
>>taking the other opportunity; can't blame Papy for that one. Rick Genter
>>left to start his own game company; can anyone blame Papyrus for that?
>>As much as you'd like to think otherwise, there is life outside of
>>Papyrus, and sometimes employees of any company will leave to find
>>another pasture. Sometimes it's money, sometimes it's following their
>>dream, sometimes it's following their spouse,sometimes it's just for a
>>change of pace.
>I am also familiar with that also, I too have left companies for
>better opportunities. If that was the case with all these people then
>good for them. I am sorry that you didnt like my post, but those were
>just my opinions. I am not an expert, nor did I claim to be. I do
>however read ras every day and wanted to offer my opinions for general
>discussion. I didnt want to burn down Nasnet or lead ras. I have
>enjoyed Papyrus games and hope they continue to lead the auto
>simulation world, but as a consumer I also appreciate honest, candid
>information. Thanks for you response and best wishes
>Greg Alexander
>>Papy's not going anywhere as far I can tell, *** theories aside.