GT Racing 2002.lnk is just a link to GTRacing2002.exe.
GTRacing2002.exe is the pre-game menu allowing you select the
difference classes, and championship mode.
GTRun.exe actually fires up the game. It basically syncs up the
VIDEOMODE and VIDEOGUID values from the original F1 config.ini to the
GTR2002config.ini. It plays then a video clip, then it launches
"f1_2002.exe config=GTR2002config.ini"
I don't really run GTRacing2002.exe since I don't do Championship
mode. What I do is run GTRacing2002.exe once and select the "NGT/GT
class" and then just run GTRun.exe from then on. Since all cars will
be available in the game now, I don't have to run GTRacing2002.exe in
the future. Think of GTRacing2002.exe as just a setup tool to change
class, change control sets or run championship mode.
karkrazy AT softhome DOT net