>Got the GPPERF up and running with F1GP last night but wondered
>if there is a PRF viewer out there to look at the statistics
NetScape 1.1 users beware - your FTP client is buggy. Use a real FTP!
For a little while, in desperation you can also try
but take it easy on this site, it's a home machine.
Just a reminder that the F1GP/WC PC Home Page is under construction
at http://www.mal.com/~dgymer/home.html, with my general home page
as http://www.mal.com/~dgymer/ with links to other places.
-- Gizmo
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Launchpad is an experimental internet BBS. The views of its users do not
necessarily represent those of UNC-Chapel Hill, OIT, or the SysOps.
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