>>You've got to use GPperf 4.0, 2.0 doesn't generate steering/... data.
>You confusing GPPerf and GPAnalyser. GPPerf 2.0 is the latest and DOES
>generate steering, gas/brake, and position information.
>You also need GPAnalyser 4.0 or 4.1 to handle GPPerf 2.0 logs.
I think that's the problem. Earlier versions of GPAnalyser cannot display
steering, gas/brake and position information, just as the latest version
of GPAnalyzer cannot display the information if the .prf files are created
with an earlier version of GPPerf.
As Dave said, both GPPerf 2.0 and GPAnalyzer 4.1 are needed to generate
_and_ display steering, gas/brake and position information.
Another problem could be that you _are_ using these versions, but that
you're comparing old .prf files with new ones, or that you've generated
two .prf files which are equal in steering or gas/brake. I've come
across these situations myself quite a few times.
Imar de Vries | 'Those crazy Ferrari fans sure make a lot of noise...
LFRS - Patrim #61 | (dramatic pause)... more than the Peugeot that I drive.'
- Forza Ferrari - | - Hakkinen, Formula One driver