I'm hardly an expert and I've only used Hawaii a couple times, but
something I saw last night kinda prompted me to send another
suggestion to other users.
We had a race set up for our series, seven or eight racers, we were
all ready to go race, waiting for a server.
Watched a couple races end, the guys who were in those races trickled
out of 'em, but there would be one or two people left in the race and
the longer they hung around the longer we had to wait and rack up
phone bills to behold.....
Anyway, my suggestion (flame if you must) is that once your race is
over do your durndest to get out of the race and open up a server to
another race waiting to go. This is especially important during busy
times (of course this was around 1:20AM eastern)....
Just a thought from claff93
Winston Cup 7 41 23 Busch South 9 34 47 NCTS 7 07
Busch North 47 44 34 Mod Tour 21 8 10A IRCA 93 39 96
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