Well, it's definitely not listed on the Ubi UK site and no store/site has
any knowledge of it apart from some mention on Software First a few weeks
ago (BTW, have they gone under? Haven't been able to access their site for
I'm sure it hasn't been released here - but if anyone knows different, then
let me know cos I'd like to try it out.
> > Went to UbiSoft web site and it isn't even listed in their PC games
> > Is it being published by someone else?
> > I just remember reading a preview of it and it sounded like nothing more
> > than a modestly patched F1RC, which I find very hard to believe after
> > this time.
> F1RC had the same problems in North America. It was barely mentionned. I
> think it's only released in Europe. I would agree that Ubisoft doesn't
> to care about it.
> If you check out sites like http://www.ubisoft.de/ http://www.ubi.com/FR/
> You'll see it listed.
> Perhaps it's a good thing nobody cares about it <G> :)
> --
> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> -- http://ymenard.cjb.net/
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