Jan./one week until a major reality check guys.
Jan./one week until a major reality check guys.
However, GP2 was less from stunning, and I guess Mr Crammond aint up with
the task anymore - and this one will be the last one where he could live on
his reputation and name.
For me there's only one: Mr Kaemmer - yes I'm a ICR1&2, Nascar 1,2,3 and GPL
junkie - he is always is a huge leap in front of the competition
So - yeah everyone is disappointed - but who promised anything more?
Disclaimer: English aint my native tounge - so be nice...
Why didn't you complain equally loudly when F1 2000 and Official F1
was reped and warez'd???
What proof do you have of this? This is very similar to asking how
you know GP3 will be worth a shit...
Nope. I would be equally unhappy of buying a game touted as
version 3 to find out it is really 2.5. I don't do warez (never have)
nor do I condone it. But it is a fact of live on the internet. However
I think releasing a ***game is as bad as warezing one.
Again... Exactly what proof do you have that this is not the final copy.
Were you a GP3 beta tester? Are you really Geoff Crammond?
And what is your proof that the warez GP3 code is incomplete.
Of course. Now you can play Mr. Rightous like other people
that have used warez and deleted it.
And you know this to be the case how exactly, since you haven't
downloaded, looked at or tried it? Nor have I mind you, but then I'm
not making claims about something of which I have no experience.
He does all the time, to get an idea how things are going. Not a
problem. If my job sucks when the timer is 99% through then it's not
going to get much better. In that case he'd be REAL pissed if I asked
him to pay for it....
This is utter nonsense. Having been involved in five beta tests, all
for sims, NONE of them, not a one has been changed radically in the
weeks prior to release. In fact most of them were massively playable
and with most features intact from the first pre-alpha test versions.
Perhaps unfair and I'll leave the anti-piracy m***high-ground
grabbing antics well alone, but it's also extremely misleading to make
statements of purported fact about a product which you've never seen.
Misleading info arising from what is _perhaps_ incomplete code,
although how incomplete is far from clear. That at least is better to
know that misleading info arising from no code whatsoever, no?
Going on what everyone has said up until now, I'll be making a longer
drive than normal to buy it from a shop that accepts returns - that is
why I appreciate the warez comments. I personally believe it'll be
good, but when people here whose opinions I respect very much get THAT
disappointed, I take notice.
Yes, it's also the name of a program which depicts all the times when
things were far from allright on the night....
So.... what version does the warez-exe show then???
>Jan./one week until a major reality check guys.
For goodness sake, this is apparently old code which is clearly "work in
progress" rather than the finished article.
Those of you who have downloaded the game should ask yourselves if you'd be
happy with your customers/boss receiving your work before it was ready for
consumption - of course you wouldn't!
Anyone who is involved in producing computer software knows that a project
can still resemble a dog's dinner even just prior to completion - it's the
nature of the beast so to speak. So in the case of GP3, those who have the
warez copy are, at best viewing the development team's "dirty laundry" as it
were - it is completely unfair to the guys and gals who have worked long
hours for our *** pleasure - to say nothing of the piracy issues.
Someone posted on r.a.s that we should stop pontificating on morals re:GP3
warez. This is not a m***issue, it's a simple matter of misleading info
arising from incomplete code.
The only time to pass judgement on the efforts of Team Crammond will be next
Friday morning, when the finished code is safely stored on our hard drives.
Has no-one ever heard the old theatrical phrase "It'll be alright on the
Hey hey easy there, take it out on someone else, we are at leat not last in
the GPL Ranking anymore ;)
>Hey hey easy there, take it out on someone else, we are at leat not
>last in the GPL Ranking anymore ;)
David. (GPLRank handicap: -1.01)
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)
For goodness sake, this is apparently old code which is clearly "work in
progress" rather than the finished article.
Those of you who have downloaded the game should ask yourselves if you'd be
happy with your customers/boss receiving your work before it was ready for
consumption - of course you wouldn't!
Anyone who is involved in producing computer software knows that a project
can still resemble a dog's dinner even just prior to completion - it's the
nature of the beast so to speak. So in the case of GP3, those who have the
warez copy are, at best viewing the development team's "dirty laundry" as it
were - it is completely unfair to the guys and gals who have worked long
hours for our *** pleasure - to say nothing of the piracy issues.
Someone posted on r.a.s that we should stop pontificating on morals re:GP3
warez. This is not a m***issue, it's a simple matter of misleading info
arising from incomplete code.
The only time to pass judgement on the efforts of Team Crammond will be next
Friday morning, when the finished code is safely stored on our hard drives.
Has no-one ever heard the old theatrical phrase "It'll be alright on the