reasons - to avoid dreaded understeer. If are going fast in a straight line,
especially downhill, and hit a slippery patch of road at your turn in point,
you might find out too late that your front tyres don't have enough grip to
turn in and push the back out. The result can be terminal understeer and a
major off. Ensuring the car is unbalanced by doing an early scando prevents
this from happening, and doesn't cost you any time as rally cars can
actually slow down sideways faster than they can in a straight line, as the
wheels dig in.
One important tip, at least in real life, is to always go over blind crests
with a bit of attitude on the car, preferably the opposite way to the next
bend. This is because is many cases you are commited to the next bend
because of your speed, but won't be able to see it until you are over the
crest, and are relying totally on your navigator's instructions. Here are
the situations you can face when going over a blind crest and racing
downhill very quickly:
The next bend is tighter than you anticipated. Assuming it is a right
hander, and you have gone over the crest with the car attitude a few degrees
to the left, you will be landing/arriving with your front wheels turning
right and can immediately let the car swing back and throw it full opposite
lock the other way, slowing down as fast as possible and also setting up the
attitude for the next bend
The next bend is shallower than you anticipated, or further away. As you
come over the crest, put on a little right lock to straighten the car and
accelerate out of the slide.
The navigator stuffed up and the next bend is actually a left hander. You're
already pointing in the right attitude so just keep turning in.
You come over the crest to discover a T Intersection in 50 meters. Depending
on whether the car is left hand drive or right hand drive, throw the car
sideways so that the passenger side of the car will hit the bank/ditch
first. Hell - it was his/her mistake after all :-) Remember to remove your
hands from the steering wheel just before you hit.
btw - for those that don't understand smilies (I am in R.A.S. after all) the
second sentence of the above paragraph was in jest. In reality, your
reaction would depend on what lies beyond where you know you are going to
have an off. If the impact is going to be hard (i.e. a solid wall or bank)
you're better off going in backwards or straight in so that that the crumple
zones can do their job. If you see some trees ahead, then best to keep
control and try to steer around them rather than lock everything up or spin
One final tips of having Offs.. If you find yourself fishtailing into a
grassy field, and there is only tree in that entire field, you are probably
going to hit that tree. Why? Because you'll be looking at that tree as your
frame of reference as you go off, and sub-conciously correct the car towards
it. So.. look away from that tree!
> down much faster. Unfortunately, LFS doesn't model this! If they did, the
> dirt driving would feel perfect, but right now, you can feel the sliding
> doesn't feel *quite* like it does in real life.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> > Tres bon! Exactly - you described it better than I can - your mastery of
> the
> > English language is fanstastic :-)
> > We often use the word "Scando" as a slang abbreviation for a
> > flick. It is named so because in the early 1960s the Fins were first to
> > master this on snow on ice.
> > As well as being useful to set the car up for a corner by first sliding
> > little the "wrong" way, and letting the car slide back into the corner,
> > mastering a scando is very useful on S curves or a series of bends. It
> means
> > that you can come out of one curve on opposite lock, and immediately let
> the
> > car over-correct into oversteer the other way for the next curve.
> > Tim
> > > >on full opposite lock, just using throttle steering. Scandanavian
> flicks
> > can
> > > >also be perfectly executed.
> > > What is Scandanavian flicks ?
> > > Is it what we call in france "appeal/counter appeal", that's mean you
> > > first turn the car left for a right turn to increase the angular
> > > inertia during the right curve ?
> > > Sebastien TIXIER - Game Developer
> > > Dynamics and Car Physics
> > >
> > > GPLRank Normal:-44.24 Monster:-124.44