Here is what I posted previous:
I built my own custom wheel that was very durable with high quality parts and it works
great, however after trying a Force Feedback wheel I will only drive with FF. It gives a
lot more realistic feel to driving with the top sim games (GPL,N3). I bought the LWFF
because it does not noticeably slow frame rate with USB, has good quick responding FF, and
I like the style. I will use my custom pedals though.
FF or not is a matter of opinion, but when I first tried it , I did not like it because I
had the settings wrong(for GPL). Now with trying different settings, its great!. I can get
LWFF online for about $119.00
> get a FF for 79 bucks. It uses Microsoft
>Technology. I ordered one and it works great. You will learn what loose
>means real quick in FF. =) It is a blast.
>> > 1: It's definately worth the effort.
>> > 2. I have Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Wheel
>> > and its great. Now i drive Colin Mcrae Rally and it
>> > works great.
>> Now that a lot of people have tried it out, what would be the best FF
>> for N3?