heavy. Sorry about that.
However, I still find it difficult to come to grips with the fact that a
mature *** (which I assume the chap is) cannot decide which car to buy for
himself. Even if the decison comes down to the colour, or mpg, or power
difference, or warranty or whatever. Amazing!
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
> input from a (possibly) knowledgeable crowd? The fellow asks for
> "[s]tories, good or bad, things to watch out for, etc." . . . Although
> might question the relevancy of the query to this particular newsgroup
> community, I'd say one of the good things *about* community, broadly
> speaking, is the variety of opinions one might get--some of which may even
> be helpful.
> --DK
> > I cannot believe that you cannot make a decision on this yourself.
> > You have stated that you've driven them, have had them checked, have
> up
> > on their good and bad points and yet you _still_ cannot arrive at a
> > decision!
> > What is it that you are looking for....someone else to take the blame if
> you
> > end up not liking the car?
> > What on earth do you do when it comes to other decision-making
> > regarding major expense?
> > Heavens above........you've got all the input....now decide! Even if
> > only on which colour you prefer, make the decision yourself, man!
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Bruce Kennewell,
> > Canberra, Australia.
> > ---------------------------