> Can anyone point out what detail improves in GPL with the detail slider all
> the way to the right? With my new PIII 733 + V3 3000, I can get 36fps at the
> start at Spa with 19 AI opponents at 1024 with the detail slider at 2/3 over
> to the right, but when the slider is all the way to the right the fps drops
> to 27 for a second or so.
> Now the interesting thing is, I can't see any difference in detail
> between the 2 slider positions - can anyone with a better eye than me point
> out what may change? One would think something must, to account for the
> framerate drop.
> Also, increasing the clockspeed of the V3 from 166 to 183 makes no
> difference, so obviously the CPU is the limiting factor even with this much
> horsepower - roll on the 1Ghz chips!
> Cheers..
> Phillip....
> At the time i started writing my last post, Gregor's wasn't up
> there...Apologies for the repetition :-)
For instance, it changes the number of polygons that form the front wheels.
When you put the slider to the left, you can see the tyres getting quite
blocky. Obviously reducing polys speeds things up.
Now I'm depressed...
Long Live Nigel Mansell!
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
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From my experiments a V3 2000 (i.e. 143MHz) has same fps as V3 3000
(166MHz). Main factor is CPU performance - moving details slider right
strains the CPU as it has more polygons/triangles to prepare to pass to
the V3.
Anyways, 733MHz looks good - I'm at a mere 450MHz which I OC to around
550 for races which is ok so long as I keep the details slider 25% left.
I saw the latest Intel project of its P3 prices that came out today and
am starting to plan forward to when the P3-700B crosses my upgrade price
range (probably in about 3 months time :-)
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
It changes the amount of detail on my machine Bruce - set it real low
for that funky "hexagonal tyres" look. (Actually, I quite like that -
it makes the car look sort of futuristic).
Richard G. Clegg Only the mind is waving
Networks and Non-Linear Dynamics Group
Dept. of Mathematics, Uni. of York
www: http://manor.york.ac.uk/top.html
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
> It changes the amount of detail on my machine Bruce - set it real low
> for that funky "hexagonal tyres" look. (Actually, I quite like that -
> it makes the car look sort of futuristic).
> --
> Richard G. Clegg Only the mind is waving
> Networks and Non-Linear Dynamics Group
> Dept. of Mathematics, Uni. of York
> www: http://manor.york.ac.uk/top.html
>> Can anyone point out what detail improves in GPL with the detail slider all
>> the way to the right?
>What changes is the detail of the cars and objects that are more
>distant. The objects close to you remain detailed unless slider is moved
>too far to the left. That's why you probably cannot see a difference, as
>there really is not much of it anyway.
Ruud van Gaal
MarketGraph / MachTech: http://www.marketgraph.nl
Art: http://www.marketgraph.nl/gallery