You may be right Chuck, and James is perfectly within his rights to ask
for it not to be passed out on CD, but i can't understand why...
James has obviously put a lot of work into this package, but it has
been released as freeware, so what possible harm could it do to get
somone to put it on CD and send it to another sim enthusiast.
It is not as if the guys who asked for a fellow sim racer to transfer
it on to CD and post it to them are denying income to James, they are
simple getting exactly what they can't download, in a more feasible and
sensible manner.!!
If James had of released this package as shareware, as on a "you want
it, you pay for it" basis, then i can understand him not wanting it to
be transferred like this, but to disallow guys who have a slow modem
link, or have to pay by the minute for internet & phone access, to
being able to obtain this package from a CD, seems totally strange,
What am i missing here. ??
It seems that the package is only going to be feasible to you guys that
don't need to pay by the minute for internet access, which i can not
understand at all..
I am sorry, but i agree with the couple of guys that showed enough
community spirit to offer burning it on to a CD and passing it on to
the guys who have SLOW "Pay by the minute" internet access..
I would not agree with that statement at all, if James was asking for
money for his work, but to offer it as freeware, available for
downloading to anyone that can afford to download it, but to not allow
anyone to pass it on to others through a CD, seems totally strange (for
want of a better word)..
Incidentally, i don't have SCGT, so i have no interest in obtaining
this package anyway, but it still seems strange to me, that James will
not allow the distribution of this package by the most feasible means
possible to the guys who would like to use it..
However, if that is James wishes, then it should be abided by...
I know if i had SCGT, i would not download or use this package, because
of this restriction that James has put on it, and "Yes" i know it is
his right to ask that, but as i said, i can't understand why..
"Yes", i pay by the minute for phone & internet access...
Sometimes i think you Americans should look at the rest of the world
and realise that the internet and phone company's are not the nirvana
you all seem to enjoy and take for granted so much...
> > how is that service pack illegal? it's available for download.
i'm not
> > asking anyone to sell it to me for a prophet. i just don't have
> > bandwidth sit there and download all those files.
> > rod...
> Ummmmm.....let me try & help here. Scroll to the bottom of his page,
and read
> with me the following:
> Techware Motorsports is owned by Techware Computer
> Techware Computer Services is owned and operated by
> Wohlever.
> All images, data, ideas, and html are ? 1999 James Wohlever
and other
> respective owners.
> No data may be copied or distrubuted without express written
permission of the
> authors. All Rights Reserved.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> What point are you unclear on? I believe he just denied permission,
as well.
> I've got a 56K dial-up myself, but if you want the SP3 bad enough
it's well
> worth the effort. Try getting it with Go!Zilla
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