SP3, is it worth the while ???

friendly pysc

SP3, is it worth the while ???

by friendly pysc » Mon, 29 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I just finished a race in the trans am class less than 5 minutes ago. I
can't say that I have experience any problems the can be blamed on the
Service pack 3 upgrade. True, it does use a lot of space but, in my opinion
is well worth it. Then again space isn't a problem for me though.  Most of
the cars are trans-am class so, if you've downloaded any of those they are
probably there. Also there are lots in the other classes that I haven't
played around with much yet. As far as I can tell the advanced options
editor still works. Also, the service pack doesn't change any of the sounds
so the ones that you have installed should be fine. It does require some
others that aren't in the file so some cars might not have any sound until
you download those as well. You will have to start your career over however
so that was kind of disappointing for me but, it is like an entirely new
All in all, I'd definately re-install the service pack if I was starting
over again. Well, that's my opinion, you may want to wait for some more
before making your descision though

the friendly pysco

-I know it's spelled wrong but I'm not a psycho ;-)
-Mental floss prevents m***decay


SP3, is it worth the while ???

by Jay » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00


I've seen lots of posts about the new Service Pack 3 for SCGT, which I've
downloaded onto my work laptop (thanks to our office T1 :-) and am
considering transferring over to my home desktop via laplink cable, and
installing it.

However, I have heard quite a few people having problems with it, and it
seems like it's not a very user friendly thing to tweak/fix once it's been

My question, is... Is it worth the while to install it?

It takes up a LOT of drive space, which is at a premium on my system, in
fact I'll probably have to remove some other sim/game to find the room.
Worse of all, it will apparently wipe out all the cars and sounds that I've
downloaded from places like and replace them with it's

Albeit it's advertised at over 150 cars, so perhaps the ones I've d/l'ed
will still be available?
I also understand it messes with the AI cars physics/competitiveness, does
the advanced option editor still work?

I've added about a dozen cars and a sound upgrade to my current SCGT, and
it's working like a charm.
I'd be utterly pissed off if this "patch" screwed up my current
installation, and I had to start from scratch and re-do everything I've got
set up so far. So.... I ask any of you who've installed it, was it worth

If you had to do all over again, would you have gone ahead and done the
install, or skipped it?

James Wohlev

SP3, is it worth the while ???

by James Wohlev » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Once you read the readme and follow the instructions exactly, it works
just fine. Make sure you get the 3.1 update as well.
Most people that are having problems are not reading the readme, or
they are downloading the files using NEtscape.
If you follow the instructions it will work flawlessly.

Yes and no. It does wipe out all the cars you have, but as of the date
the sp 3.1 was made, it includes every car posted on every sim site.
155 cars.

Those and some you can't download anywhere else.

Yes the AI patch still works. It doesn't mess with anything you don't
want it to.
YOU choose how tough the AI is.
Its all in the install readme's.

Well, all I can say is, back up the files the readme says to, READ the
file. Plus, it's free.. What more could you want? ;)

You only live once partner... Take a risk.. :)

- James "Gunslinger" Wohlever

Techware Motorsports

Send ATTACHMENTS (Files) to:

Chuck Kandle

SP3, is it worth the while ???

by Chuck Kandle » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Hi Jay

IMHO, this is a very worthwhile addition to SCGT.  I've yet to have a problem
with it, just read the detailed instructions that come with it & you'll be
fine.  I would absolutely do it over again, and I wanna give my thanx to Mr.
Wohlever for putting such an effort together in the first place!

Chuck Kandler  #70
ChuckK or KS70 on
K&S Racing
The box said "Windows 95 or better", so I installed LINUX!


SP3, is it worth the while ???

by Kevi » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Well, I thought I followed the instructions exactly! Somehow when I
downloaded the 43 files, an extension was added (like ..c01, in addition to
the original .c01). Once I trimmed that from all the files, the exe created
the zip fine.

The zip unpacked fine also, but now when I go into SCGT, I don't have any
cars to select. Or any tracks. I have a ton-o-files in the Patch directory,
and everything seems OK, but...

I admit it, I'm not a computer genius, but I don't know what I did wrong.

Kevin Caldwell

> >However, I have heard quite a few people having problems with it, and it
> >seems like it's not a very user friendly thing to tweak/fix once it's
> >installed.

> Once you read the readme and follow the instructions exactly, it works
> just fine. Make sure you get the 3.1 update as well.
> Most people that are having problems are not reading the readme, or
> they are downloading the files using NEtscape.
> If you follow the instructions it will work flawlessly.

> >My question, is... Is it worth the while to install it?

> >It takes up a LOT of drive space, which is at a premium on my system, in
> >fact I'll probably have to remove some other sim/game to find the room.
> >Worse of all, it will apparently wipe out all the cars and sounds that
> >downloaded from places like and replace them with it's
> >own.

> Yes and no. It does wipe out all the cars you have, but as of the date
> the sp 3.1 was made, it includes every car posted on every sim site.
> 155 cars.

> >Albeit it's advertised at over 150 cars, so perhaps the ones I've d/l'ed
> >will still be available?

> Those and some you can't download anywhere else.

> >I also understand it messes with the AI cars physics/competitiveness,
> >the advanced option editor still work?

> Yes the AI patch still works. It doesn't mess with anything you don't
> want it to.
> YOU choose how tough the AI is.
> Its all in the install readme's.

> >I've added about a dozen cars and a sound upgrade to my current SCGT, and
> >it's working like a charm.
> >I'd be utterly pissed off if this "patch" screwed up my current
> >installation, and I had to start from scratch and re-do everything I've
> >set up so far. So.... I ask any of you who've installed it, was it worth
> >while?

> Well, all I can say is, back up the files the readme says to, READ the
> file. Plus, it's free.. What more could you want? ;)

> >If you had to do all over again, would you have gone ahead and done the
> >install, or skipped it?

> You only live once partner... Take a risk.. :)

> - James "Gunslinger" Wohlever

> Techware Motorsports

> Send ATTACHMENTS (Files) to:

Dave Henri

SP3, is it worth the while ???

by Dave Henri » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

cheat mode!

type the following in any career mode menu screen followed by a return
at the end of each


gives you cheat mode, unlocks the cars and tracks, and lots of cash
then you can do singel races or seasons.  One note.  The sp3.0 includes
calendars for all the tracks in all conditions.  If you don't want to
race at night or in the rain you have two options.  
a:  Only do single races and turn off the rain and night effects in the
track menu
b:  edit the calendar file to rem out the tracks that have night time or
rain in them.  the rem statement for scgt is a double slash
// Donington Night
Donington Day
//Donington rain
dave henrie

dave henrie

> Well, I thought I followed the instructions exactly! Somehow when I
> downloaded the 43 files, an extension was added (like ..c01, in addition to
> the original .c01). Once I trimmed that from all the files, the exe created
> the zip fine.

> The zip unpacked fine also, but now when I go into SCGT, I don't have any
> cars to select. Or any tracks. I have a ton-o-files in the Patch directory,
> and everything seems OK, but...

> I admit it, I'm not a computer genius, but I don't know what I did wrong.
> Help!

> Kevin Caldwell

> > >However, I have heard quite a few people having problems with it, and it
> > >seems like it's not a very user friendly thing to tweak/fix once it's
> been
> > >installed.

> > Once you read the readme and follow the instructions exactly, it works
> > just fine. Make sure you get the 3.1 update as well.
> > Most people that are having problems are not reading the readme, or
> > they are downloading the files using NEtscape.
> > If you follow the instructions it will work flawlessly.

> > >My question, is... Is it worth the while to install it?

> > >It takes up a LOT of drive space, which is at a premium on my system, in
> > >fact I'll probably have to remove some other sim/game to find the room.
> > >Worse of all, it will apparently wipe out all the cars and sounds that
> I've
> > >downloaded from places like and replace them with it's
> > >own.

> > Yes and no. It does wipe out all the cars you have, but as of the date
> > the sp 3.1 was made, it includes every car posted on every sim site.
> > 155 cars.

> > >Albeit it's advertised at over 150 cars, so perhaps the ones I've d/l'ed
> > >will still be available?

> > Those and some you can't download anywhere else.

> > >I also understand it messes with the AI cars physics/competitiveness,
> does
> > >the advanced option editor still work?

> > Yes the AI patch still works. It doesn't mess with anything you don't
> > want it to.
> > YOU choose how tough the AI is.
> > Its all in the install readme's.

> > >I've added about a dozen cars and a sound upgrade to my current SCGT, and
> > >it's working like a charm.
> > >I'd be utterly pissed off if this "patch" screwed up my current
> > >installation, and I had to start from scratch and re-do everything I've
> got
> > >set up so far. So.... I ask any of you who've installed it, was it worth
> > >while?

> > Well, all I can say is, back up the files the readme says to, READ the
> > file. Plus, it's free.. What more could you want? ;)

> > >If you had to do all over again, would you have gone ahead and done the
> > >install, or skipped it?

> > You only live once partner... Take a risk.. :)

> > - James "Gunslinger" Wohlever

> > Techware Motorsports
> >

> > Send ATTACHMENTS (Files) to:

James Wohlev

SP3, is it worth the while ???

by James Wohlev » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Well, your very welcome :)
But, remember, a lot of other folks painted all those beautiful cars..
I just slammed everything into the write place, tweaked this, tweaked
About the most time consuming thing I did on the project was to find
all those photos. Some of those dang cars were almost IMPOSSIBLE to
find photo's of.
Took about 3 months to find all the photos but man, I sure it like it
better that way :)

- James "Gunslinger" Wohlever

Techware Motorsports

Send ATTACHMENTS (Files) to:

Roderick Pommie

SP3, is it worth the while ???

by Roderick Pommie » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

    could someone burn SP3 to a CD for me?  i'll send you the CD...  let me


James Wohlev

SP3, is it worth the while ???

by James Wohlev » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 06:04:55 -0600, "Roderick Pommier"

>    could someone burn SP3 to a CD for me?  i'll send you the CD...  let me

No.. For one it is illegal.

- James "Gunslinger" Wohlever

Techware Motorsports

Send ATTACHMENTS (Files) to:

Roderick Pommie

SP3, is it worth the while ???

by Roderick Pommie » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

    how is that service pack illegal?  it's available for download.  i'm not
asking anyone to sell it to me for a prophet.  i just don't have the
bandwidth sit there and download all those files.


> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 06:04:55 -0600, "Roderick Pommier"

> >    could someone burn SP3 to a CD for me?  i'll send you the CD...  let
> >know...

> No.. For one it is illegal.

> - James "Gunslinger" Wohlever

> Techware Motorsports

> Send ATTACHMENTS (Files) to:

Joel Willstei

SP3, is it worth the while ???

by Joel Willstei » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

> >Hi Jay

> >IMHO, this is a very worthwhile addition to SCGT.  I've yet to have a
> >with it, just read the detailed instructions that come with it & you'll
> >fine.  I would absolutely do it over again, and I wanna give my thanx to
> >Wohlever for putting such an effort together in the first place!

> Well, your very welcome :)
> But, remember, a lot of other folks painted all those beautiful cars..
> I just slammed everything into the write place, tweaked this, tweaked
> that.
> About the most time consuming thing I did on the project was to find
> all those photos. Some of those dang cars were almost IMPOSSIBLE to
> find photo's of.
> Took about 3 months to find all the photos but man, I sure it like it
> better that way :)
> - James "Gunslinger" Wohlever


     Just wanted to add my thanks. The Trans-Am cars are the only class I
currently race in SCGT.
One question though.  Since you and your very talented group have been able
to create all those GT-1 cars,is anyone giving any thought to doing a Can-Am
class from 68-72,and maybe some new tracks like Bridgehampton ? ( I would
kill for my home track ).

Joel Willstein

Chuck Kandle

SP3, is it worth the while ???

by Chuck Kandle » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>     how is that service pack illegal?  it's available for download.  i'm not
> asking anyone to sell it to me for a prophet.  i just don't have the
> bandwidth sit there and download all those files.

> rod...

Ummmmm.....let me try & help here.  Scroll to the bottom of his page, and read
with me the following:

                   Techware Motorsports is owned by Techware Computer Services.
                Techware Computer Services is owned and operated by James
        All images, data, ideas, and html are ? 1999 James Wohlever and other
respective owners.
No data may be copied or distrubuted without express written permission of the
authors. All Rights Reserved.

What point are you unclear on?  I believe he just denied permission, as well.
I've got a 56K dial-up myself, but if you want the SP3 bad enough it's well
worth the effort.  Try getting it with Go!Zilla ( &
you'll be all set.  Hope this helps you some.

Chuck Kandler  #70
ChuckK or KS70 on
K&S Racing
The box said "Windows 95 or better", so I installed LINUX!


SP3, is it worth the while ???

by jbo.. » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Illegal?  PMFJI, but you're being borderline ridiculous here, JW -- the
intention of your copyright is to ensure that people get the patch via
YOUR site, and not from some other source.  This guarantees you
throughput, which can help net you more advertiser support.  I support
you in this wholeheartedly, but this guy has OBVIOUSLY been to your
site, but he doesn't have the bandwidth to download the file -- so
here, in our farily tight-knit little online community, he asks for
someone to send him a copy of a publicly-available file that he's
familiar with but is unable to download, and you expressly forbid it?!

Methinks you're missing the point to some extent here.  If PC Gamer
tried to distribute your SP3 patch without your permission, I agree
that you would DEFINITELY have a gripe, but in this context, it's
somewhat ridiculous to split hairs over the issue of "distribution" via
CD to a single user.

Throw the man a freakin' bone, for crying out loud! <G>

-- JB

> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 06:04:55 -0600, "Roderick Pommier"

> >    could someone burn SP3 to a CD for me?  i'll send you the CD...
let me
> >know...

> No.. For one it is illegal.

> - James "Gunslinger" Wohlever

> Techware Motorsports

> Send ATTACHMENTS (Files) to:

Sent via
Before you buy.
Dave Henri

SP3, is it worth the while ???

by Dave Henri » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

  I assume because Gunslinger made it and only wants it distributed from
his web site.  Since it is his creation.  And if he did file ANY sort of
copywrite notice...then he has full control of it's release.  and if the
legal aspect wasn't pushed, we as end users can at least be thoughtful
of a person's wishes.  Certain those of a fellow who put so much work
into an orphan'd sim.
Dave henrie

  while I can appreciate the time and effort the Service Pak takes to
dload, there are several ways to work around that.  Using a dload
manager you can schedule the downloading to take place at any time your
computer is on,  go to sleep and let the dloader grab the files
automatically.   And for those who are charged by the minute!what a
crime!) at least one user has dloaded all the files ONLY WHILE ONLINE
for his regular sessions.  A little at a time.  Go!zilla allows you to
stop and continue downloads from many sites.

> You mean people actually sell things for prophets?  Man... I bet
> Isaiah, Jeremiah, Moses, etc... are rolling in their graves over that
> one... or did you mean profit?  ;-)

> sorry... couldn't resist... :-)

> >     how is that service pack illegal?  it's available for download.
> > i'm not
> > asking anyone to sell it to me for a prophet.  i just don't have the

> > bandwidth sit there and download all those files.

> > rod...

> > > On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 06:04:55 -0600, "Roderick Pommier"

> > > >    could someone burn SP3 to a CD for me?  i'll send you the
> > CD...  let
> > me
> > > >know...

> > > No.. For one it is illegal.

> > > - James "Gunslinger" Wohlever

> > > Techware Motorsports
> > >

> > > Send ATTACHMENTS (Files) to:

Ron Ayto

SP3, is it worth the while ???

by Ron Ayto » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

You may be right Chuck, and James is perfectly within his rights to ask
for it not to be passed out on CD, but i can't understand why...
James has obviously put a lot of work into this package, but it has
been released as freeware, so what possible harm could it do to get
somone to put it on CD and send it to another sim enthusiast.
It is not as if the guys who asked for a fellow sim racer to transfer
it on to CD and post it to them are denying income to James, they are
simple getting exactly what they can't download, in a more feasible and
sensible manner.!!
If James had of released this package as shareware, as on a "you want
it, you pay for it" basis, then i can understand him not wanting it to
be transferred like this, but to disallow guys who have a slow modem
link, or have to pay by the minute for internet & phone access, to
being able to obtain this package from a CD, seems totally strange,
What am i missing here. ??
It seems that the package is only going to be feasible to you guys that
don't need to pay by the minute for internet access, which i can not
understand at all..
I am sorry, but i agree with the couple of guys that showed enough
community spirit to offer burning it on to a CD and passing it on to
the guys who have SLOW "Pay by the minute" internet access..
I would not agree with that statement at all, if James was asking for
money for his work, but to offer it as freeware, available for
downloading to anyone that can afford to download it, but to not allow
anyone to pass it on to others through a CD, seems totally strange (for
want of a better word)..
Incidentally, i don't have SCGT, so i have no interest in obtaining
this package anyway, but it still seems strange to me, that James will
not allow the distribution of this package by the most feasible means
possible to the guys who would like to use it..
However, if that is James wishes, then it should be abided by...
I know if i had SCGT, i would not download or use this package, because
of this restriction that James has put on it, and "Yes" i know it is
his right to ask that, but as i said, i can't understand why..
"Yes", i pay by the minute for phone & internet access...
Sometimes i think you Americans should look at the rest of the world
and realise that the internet and phone company's are not the nirvana
you all seem to enjoy and take for granted  so much...


> >     how is that service pack illegal?  it's available for download.
 i'm not
> > asking anyone to sell it to me for a prophet.  i just don't have
> > bandwidth sit there and download all those files.

> > rod...

> Ummmmm.....let me try & help here.  Scroll to the bottom of his page,
and read
> with me the following:

>                    Techware Motorsports is owned by Techware Computer
>                 Techware Computer Services is owned and operated by
> Wohlever.
>         All images, data, ideas, and html are ? 1999 James Wohlever
and other
> respective owners.
> No data may be copied or distrubuted without express written
permission of the
> authors. All Rights Reserved.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

> What point are you unclear on?  I believe he just denied permission,
as well.
> I've got a 56K dial-up myself, but if you want the SP3 bad enough
it's well
> worth the effort.  Try getting it with Go!Zilla

( &

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