Im not positive but was this Sega one of those games that had rectangular
game controller pads? so the wheel would be trying to emulate a 8 position
"hat"? In all reality if I am right... there were not ANY analog inputs
for Sega... Your fate is the same i have found for the Amiga emulators,
they want on/off values for what button or postision of joystics natively
in the games and the "os"...
that was one of the real drawbacks for the Amiga back when papy's Nascar
game 1st came out... I had Bill Elliots Nascar Challenge and on the Amiga
it really sucked because digital controls is all the Amiga knew... Rigth
then, I knew I would leave the platform, simply because there would be
almost no way to get Ananog input for driving, assuming the game was ever to
be ported (wich it wasnt)
Anyway I dont think you can expect that much more from the emulator to
combine the analog (range of values to represent turning posision of a wheel
or pedals, on a PC) when the game system (sega) only registered wether the
(digital meaning
ON /OFF) digital joystic was bushed to the front, back, left or right, and 2
or 4
fire buttons
b c
D Fire1 Fire2
the game was set to read:
if switch A was on (toggled) that joy was pushed forward;
if A and b were on, then the joy was pushed forward to the left;
if A and c were on, then the joy was pushed forward to the right;
and so on...
how would you get the wheel to mimic this??? hmmmmm.... beats me
> >Also, has anyone had any success with Atari's Race Driving / Hard
> >Drivin' games on MAME with a MSFF wheel? Can't get pedals calibrated.
> None at all. I've had problems getting my wheel working in Pole
> Position I/II and APB as well. Initially I thought it was an
> emulation problem, now I'm starting to wonder if the controller config
> routine is crap.
> Jason