Hey fuk head, I bought the damn game, what do you think you are the
fuking Micropose watch dog?? On whose behalf do you speak in the third
person on?
On page 21 of the Fuking manual that came with My Pirated copy, it
states that the pit light conditions and the meanings of each. On page
24, Under the side heading of "The Pits" it never states what in
required to make the car turn into the pits.
On page ii, it refers to the Pits on page 24, and refers to page 8,
which in reality, the info is written on page 7, says to simply drive
onto the yellow line and it will take you in, and be sure to drive
slowly and watch for your pit crew, one must break before the jack
Now ***, that was a pointless exercise of reading the damn manual,
b/c at Magny Cours, the car still hits the pit wall and bounces onto the
track, at fast speeds and slow..
I've proved that I own the game, now prove that your not the fuking
*** that started the childlike bullshit attitude...
The newsgroup isn't yours to rule and judge, if I had known that I would
simply be told to read the damn manual again, then I would have never
asked in the first place, since its advice doesn't work at all the
tracks and I didn't want to dig the fuking manual out!!!!!
> writes:
> |> Does anyone know the secret of how to pit in GP2? Every damn race
> or
> |> qualifying (use the "Q" to stop, but still can't come into the
> pits) I
> |> can't get the car to pit for fuel and tires... I simply run out of
> fuel
> |> trying and trying... I back up (getting it to go forward again is a
> real
> |> PIA) and try and try, but the car will simply hit the pit wall and
> |> bounce back onto the track...
> |>
> |> Today, I was racing in Magy Cours in the lead with 5 sec over H2F
> and
> |> the pit light came on, so I was almost out of fuel, and here came
> the
> |> pit entrance, I turn left hard, and hit the pit wall and bounce
> onto the
> |> straight away.. Not enough fuel to make it around again and attempt
> to
> |> back up and go and back up and go... ran out of fuel.... Race
> over...
> |>
> |> How do I get the car to pit?????
> READ the manual! It's so obvious. Don't have it? Buy the damn game and
> get
> one. The newsgroup is not a source of information for pirates. We
> won't
> tell you how until you've shown some evidence of you actually owning
> the
> original game.