> <edited>
> >The problem I had was with the whole pedal unit lifting up when wanting to
> >apply the brake. Finally deciding I'll never train myself to stamp down
> >with my right foot when left-foot braking, I found a solution: I move one of
> >my videotape libraries and set it down on the left corner of the pedal unit.
> >Plenty of weight to keep it down now!
> I don't know if it would help, but you might want to see what happens
> if you put a 2-by-4 flat on the floor between the pedal unit and the
> wall. It seems to keep my pedals much more stable, and restricts the
> rather extreme limits on the pedal movement, which I prefer- faster
> getting on and off.
helped with sliding tremendously. Got for like $15.00 at local