>I was hoping for some advice here- I have been having problems running SCGT
>using Direct 3D as the software driver. Backgrounds disappear, detail on
>cars goes away, etc. I was thinking about uninstalling/reinstalling the
>as perhaps a way to fix it. Problem is, I have worked my way up to World GT
>using the software as a jittery, low-res driver. Is there any way I can
>these settings, or will I have to go back to GTQ? If the latter is the
>I'll leave it the way it is. Thanks in advance!
As a general tactic for discovering this info in any sim or game, Don't
play it for a little while (like 30 minutes). Then start the software and
run a race and SAVE your progress. In SCGT you could just create a new
player and run a race. Then, go to the FIND thing on the start menu and
find all the files created/accessed in the last day. Click the column
header 'modified' to sort them by time, and look at the most recent entries
in the game's folder/subfolders. This should tell you which files contain
the save games.
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