GPL's future and F1


GPL's future and F1

by Jchar » Sat, 10 Jun 2000 04:00:00

We are well into the year 2000 and there still isn't a new contender to
really touch GPL's *** for racing sims.  GP3 really isn't a contender
because there will be no internet multiplayer.  World Sports Cars will
probably never be released in anybody's lifetime.  I know it's slated for
release at the end of the year but if you read the reports, nothing has been
implemented in this game yet, they only have 1 track license and there are
only 2 guys working on the most complex and ambitiuous sim ever.
N4 looks promising if you like racing Talledega for the 8 zillionth time.
And that's it.  Skip Barber Racing?  Puhlease.

So here's my idea.  What does everybody want?  A F1 game.  What sells beside
Nascar?  F1.   Except we call it GPL  2000.  Take the best parts of GPL and
stir in the best parts of modern day F1.   GPL and VROC are already 80%
there.   Introduce new cars that are F1 like.  Imagine that Eagle and Lotus
were still making F1 style cars today and use a little imagination to
produce somthing that is very similar to current F1, but better.  Start with
GPL and spruce up the graphics engine - make it pretty.  Make it compatible
with D3D, glide and OpenGL.  The physics engine is already there.  Use the
best sounds that technology can create - it doesn't have to be realistic,
becuase it's Fantasy F1.  Add telemetry, pit stops, commentary, radio
communication, etc.   Incorporate VROC into the game and dress it up along
with the menus.  Keep the tracks the way they are (of course make them look
current, but don't change the layout)  because who really likes the new
tracks anyway.  Keep all the drivers from GPL and insert them into the year
2000.  Incorporate a worldwide ranking and record keeping system into the
game.  The important part is to cultivate a community within the game.

The best part about this idea is that the tough stuff is already done it
just needs to be repackaged and updated.  Think about all the bulshit you
had to do to get GPL and VROC running right - all the patches, tweaking and
exploring.  What if you could just plug in your wheel and GPL2000 would take
you into a new world of multiplayer racing and community.  I'm not saying to
dumb it down, just make it easy to start racing.

Some of you probably think this is heresy, but this idea isn't about
rengineering the 1967 GP it's about rengineering modern F1.  Of course
Papyrus could just come out with an F1 sim, but that doesn't seem too likely
so maybe they can make something better.

Let the flames begin,


Skotty Flyn

GPL's future and F1

by Skotty Flyn » Sat, 10 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Actually, it's been pushed to Q1/2001

Whatever you say! :)

Skotty Flynn


The Ultimate Sim Racing Directory:

Member of The Sports *** Network:***.com

Andre Warrin

GPL's future and F1

by Andre Warrin » Sat, 10 Jun 2000 04:00:00

What flames? Excellent post!!


Andrew Turne

GPL's future and F1

by Andrew Turne » Sat, 10 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Actually, Jcharm, you're right. The best part about your idea is that the
"tough stuff is already done".

(Which isn't saying much.)


> What does everybody want?  A F1 game.  What sells beside
> Nascar?  F1.   Except we call it GPL  2000.
> doesn't have to be realistic,
> becuase it's Fantasy F1.
> Keep the tracks the way they are (of course make them look
> current, but don't change the layout)  because who really likes the new
> tracks anyway.
> Keep all the drivers from GPL and insert them into the year
> 2000.

> The best part about this idea is that the tough stuff is already done it
> just needs to be repackaged and updated.

Kevin Gavit

GPL's future and F1

by Kevin Gavit » Sat, 10 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Great Idea. Go ahead and do it.

GPL's future and F1

by TRUSRS » Sun, 11 Jun 2000 04:00:00

We want a CART sim
There's tons of nascar and F1 stuff available
We want a new CART sim damn it!!!!!!!

Chris Bloo

GPL's future and F1

by Chris Bloo » Sun, 11 Jun 2000 04:00:00

And what would you want in a CART sim?

>>What does everybody want?  A F1 game.

>We want a CART sim
>There's tons of nascar and F1 stuff available
>We want a new CART sim damn it!!!!!!!

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Roger Walke

GPL's future and F1

by Roger Walke » Sun, 11 Jun 2000 04:00:00

**Rendition** support? :)

> And what would you want in a CART sim?

> >>What does everybody want?  A F1 game.

> >We want a CART sim
> >There's tons of nascar and F1 stuff available
> >We want a new CART sim damn it!!!!!!!

> * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion
Network *
> The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet -

Markus Stiepe

GPL's future and F1

by Markus Stiepe » Sun, 11 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Maybe some additions:
We have people here capable of designing new tracks for GPL, it should thus
be possible to model all the current tracks of modern Formula One. Point is,
it's a thrill to sit down on the actual race-weekend and simulate the Grand
Prix, be it alone or as a league. I did that frequently when GP2 was new,
really a challenge.

Second point would be physics: To be realistic, the car model of GPL must be
altered to correspond to modern Formula One cars, taking into account wings
and power, just to name a few. Otherwise, what would be the sense of GPL2?
Of course, on the other hand, we wouldn't be able to overtake anymore due to
aerodynamic restrictions, but then again, every1 would *know* overtaking is
not possible, thus racing online would produce less carnage :))


Check out my home once in a while:
........still a lot of work to be done
               GPLRank -0.86


GPL's future and F1

by jbo.. » Mon, 12 Jun 2000 04:00:00

You're proposing that someone use GPL -- the most realistic racing sim
yet -- as the basis for a fantasy racer?  Why??  Because it will "feel
realistic," perhaps?  Realistic as compared to what?  Without actually
simulating REAL cars, why waste all that physics modeling?  Also, the
GPL engine does not take into account ANY aerodynamics modeling, I
don't believe, which means that the addition of wings would be purely
cosmetic, so why bother modeling anything supposedly "modern" with the
GPL engine as it currently stands?

Also, you said:

is already there.  Use the best sounds that technology can create - it
doesn't have to be realistic, becuase it's Fantasy F1.  Add telemetry,
pit stops, commentary, radio communication, etc.<<<

GPL doesn't have D3D support built-in, and adding in D3D support is NOT
a simple task, otherwise we would have already seen a D3D patch for
GPL, I would imagine.  Telemetry, pit stops, commentary, radio
communications, etc., all represent similarly-difficult tasks -- if any
of this were "simple," then EVERY sim/game would incorporate these
things.  There's a reason it's not already in GPL -- all of this
represents a LOT of up-front programming, and if a game is already
completed, I would imagine that it would be even MORE difficult to add
it in as an afterthought.

I still don't understand the "fantasy" racer angle, though -- F12K is
taking it on the chin because several tracks seem too "unrealistic"
(some have called Spa nigh unto a "fantasy" track because it's not
accurate enough), yet I see you (and several others, judging by the
follow-on posts) getting somewhat e***d over the prospect of a
fantasy racer based on GPL.  Have any of you heard of "Powerslide"

talking about here, because once you start to model "fantasy" cars,
then how can you tell just HOW realistic it is, regardless of whether
or not the GPL engine is the basis?

Yeah, yeah, I know -- if you make a real-world adjustment, you should
get real-world results.  I thought the appeal of titles like GPL,
N2/3/Legends, GP2, etc., was that they simulated real-world cars,
series, and events in a very realistic manner, whereas other "arcade"
racers like NFSPU, Viper Racing, SCGT, and even F12K are virtually
shunned by some because they either don't simulate real events and
series, or because they fail to properly simulate certain aspects of
what they are attempting to model in an accurate enough manner.

After I read your post the first time I thought, "Yeah, you'd better be
ready for the flames -- a fantasy racer based on the GPL engine sounds
like heresy to me!"  After reading through the follow-ups, though, it
amazes me that if the almighty "GPL" is invoked in virtually ANY
context, there ARE large masses who will fall in line, drooling in a
Pavlovian manner.  Weird.  If by some wierd twist of fate it turned out
that the GPL physics engine had been used as the basis for "NASCAR
Revolution," I would not be surprised to find board would clogged with
posts from converts singing the praises of NASCAR Revolution.


Thankfully, though, we're NOT GPL-centric around here, contrary to
popular belief.

-- JB

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