It isn't a bug, dammit, it's a feature!
It's also not quite true. If you can get your front wheels ahead of
theirs, they will give you room. However... sometimes the steering help
pushes you into them, and sometimes they don't back off enough and on
fast corners your simply can't avoid hitting them (obvious example: the
Spoon Curves round the back of Suzuka - very fast and very dangerous
place to pass in the game).
ALso, they don't have any idea if you are behind them. They won't
make it easier to lap them, they don't attempt to prevent you
outbraking them or drafting, in fact, they don't appear to use their
mirros at all (from the Michael Schumi school of driving, it would
appear; "oops, sorry, didn't see you there as I turned viciously
towards you").
-- Gizmo
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