My response to the "review" at AGN

Mike Laske

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Mike Laske » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Then you should feel obliged to communicate to your readers that you are
using an unfinished version that may not be representative of the final



My response to the "review" at AGN

by Zonk » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

>>any chance you'd let me in on which ones you do buy, so i can but laugh at
>>your naivety?

>You imply that you work for a magazine. You imply that all magazine
>reviewers are influenced by their advertsiers. Doesn't that imply that you
>have zero credibility...?

>....either way!


i never implied that i do.



My response to the "review" at AGN

by Zonk » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

>>Did you ever wonder how Magazines have reviews before a product ships?

>Previews & betas. Surely you're not that naive to believe that you've been
>using the real version?


I never said i was playing GMC code.

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Zonk » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00


>>Did you ever wonder how Magazines have reviews before a product ships?

>Previews & betas. Surely you're not that naive to believe that you've been
>using the real version?


Still, no magazine's review on such as i'm sure you are probably aware.

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Zonk » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

>>any chance you'd let me in on which ones you do buy, so i can but laugh at
>>your naivety?

>I do not buy any computer *** magazines.  Laugh at that.


Glad to hear. You're only wasting your money.


Byron Forbe

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Byron Forbe » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Why am I not surprised this guy would say something like this? :) Loves shooting himself
in the foot!

> You imply that you work for a magazine. You imply that all magazine
> reviewers are influenced by their advertsiers. Doesn't that imply that you
> have zero credibility...?

> ...either way!

> Cheers,
> Richard

> --
> We all bump into each other every day of our lives, and we render our opinions
> whether we know anything or not, and if anybody catches us out we lie...

 Byron Forbes
 Captain of Team Lightning Bolt


Byron Forbe

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Byron Forbe » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Too bad he hasn't made up his mind whether he's a reviewer or not, hehehehehe.

> >Did you ever wonder how Magazines have reviews before a product ships?

> Then you should feel obliged to communicate to your readers that you are
> using an unfinished version that may not be representative of the final
> product.

> mike.

 Byron Forbes
 Captain of Team Lightning Bolt

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