My response to the "review" at AGN


My response to the "review" at AGN

by ymenar » Mon, 28 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Ken Beard wrote

:-)   Im pretty happy about the website decision. They were really correct
with dealing with the whole thing...

Actually, the same thing is mostly repeated at other communities on the
Internet. Air simulations mostly, but you can also include hard-core RPG's
and at some point sports simulation. The general market is as we all know
made for casual gamers, with a more arcade style to racing games. That's why
titles such as Need4speed and such have been great hits.  Not taking
anything off arcade racing titles. I mean we lived with them since years and
will continue to live with them for years in the future.

I mean.. Im just not into all those FPS shooters who it seems are out each
2-3weeks, but if those gamers would realise that there is more technical
achievements in the *** industry than those Doom-wannabe games, we
wouldn't have such stupid guy flaming about what is clearly the most
anticipate and at 100% the greatest racing simulator of all time. Even if it
fails to the mass *** market, it's the greatest.

- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard> Good race at the Brickyard!
- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
- Sponsored by
- "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."--

Mike Peterse

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Mike Peterse » Mon, 28 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Gee, maybe your response worked...I couldn't find the review anywhere...

Mike (TEN ID:mpete)
Mike's Nascar World

Marc J. Nelso

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Marc J. Nelso » Mon, 28 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Please accept my thank you for sending the site the e-mail!

> Still, some email letting the guy know to not post irresponsible reviews
> like this can't hurt....



Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -
Extinct Track Archive -

* Switch with to reply...Confused-yet? *

Marc J. Nelso

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Marc J. Nelso » Mon, 28 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Please accept my thank you for sending the site the e-mail!

> Still, some email letting the guy know to not post irresponsible reviews
> like this can't hurt....



Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -
Extinct Track Archive -

* Switch with to reply...Confused-yet? *

Marc J. Nelso

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Marc J. Nelso » Mon, 28 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Please accept my thank you for sending the site the e-mail!

> Still, some email letting the guy know to not post irresponsible reviews
> like this can't hurt....



Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -
Extinct Track Archive -

* Switch with to reply...Confused-yet? *

Marc J. Nelso

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Marc J. Nelso » Mon, 28 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Sorry for the triple-posts...dang it!  =P
Ken Bear

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Ken Bear » Tue, 29 Sep 1998 04:00:00

First off, it wasn't a review from the site, but some "d00d" who emailed the
guy who runs it.

So I sent an email to the site guy:


Subject: GPL "Review"
Date: Sunday, September 27, 1998 11:03 PM

You really need to inform the guy that did that "review" that he is
clueless.  The game isn't out yet, except for a WAREZ version - which from
what I've heard is a buggy beta version that wasn't even shipped to the core
beta-test team.  Even given that, I've seen nothing mentioned about the
problems he mentions.

First off, even the several, several months old DEMO runs at 1024x768 on my
single Creative 12 mb V2, and when this was in my K6/200 I was getting well

1024x768.  The wheel response is a bit touchy in the demo, but it calibrates
fine, AND all the functions are easily selected.  The reason for having a
seperate calibration (you CAN select to use the DirectX routine) is to have
MORE control over the calibration, if you're having trouble with DirectX.

So I think this guy is playing the warez version, his machine is screwed up
if he can't run over 640x480 and he can't get the joystick to work, AND he
doesn't know ***about realistic simulations.  Nothing wrong with liking
more arcadish games, but if one does than one shouldn't slam on realistic
simulations in a "review".  First clue, if he was serious at all about
racing sims, he'd have a WHEEL and wouldn't be trying to use buttons for his
gas and "break" (brake), he'd have pedals.  This isn't NFS3, wasn't meant to
be - it's a serious sim - just like F15 or Longbow 2 are for a different
audience than Jetfighter.

The game will be out later this week, hopefully we'll see a real review by
someone who knows what the hell is going on on your site, or maybe we're
just going to have another arcade gamer slamming it.



I wouldn't worry about this too much, really - all these guys running these
"3D news" sites have no clue about realistic sims - they're geared for the
Quake 2 and "gee whiz, lookit the graphics" gamers.  I hope this "review"
doesn't put off anybody to GPL, but I'd think those with interest know about
it already, and those who aren't interested probably won't be regardless.

Still, some email letting the guy know to not post irresponsible reviews
like this can't hurt....



My response to the "review" at AGN

by PHendrix » Tue, 29 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Jeremy at allgames isn't exactly the brightest bulb on the tree.  I really have
to wonder why he would post a so called review, when the game hasnt been
released.  I don't agree with anything in the "review", but still everyone has
a right to their opinion

Ken Bear

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Ken Bear » Tue, 29 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>Jeremy at allgames isn't exactly the brightest bulb on the tree.  I really
>to wonder why he would post a so called review, when the game hasnt been
>released.  I don't agree with anything in the "review", but still everyone
>a right to their opinion

I'm imagining he got a decent amount of flames, as the site now has the link
to the screenshots but has deleted the "review" portion.

I often cringe reading info on a lot of these sites, they have some good
info and are pretty quick to get stuff - BUT, are usually laden with
juvenile writing and a "Quake 2 kicks ass, d00d, it RULZ" mentality covering

I'll give him some credit, he did pull the ***quickly - but some thought
would've prevented it totally.


Byron Forbe

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Byron Forbe » Tue, 29 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Marc, there's a shove to stop the broken record syndrome! :)

> Please accept my thank you for sending the site the e-mail!

> > Still, some email letting the guy know to not post irresponsible reviews
> > like this can't hurt....

> Cheers!

> Marc

> --
> Marc J. Nelson
> The Sim Project -
> Extinct Track Archive -

> * Switch with to reply...Confused-yet? *

 Byron Forbes
 Captain of Team Lightning Bolt


Bruce Kennewel

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Bruce Kennewel » Tue, 29 Sep 1998 04:00:00

The host of the review also has a responsibility to check the facts as
submitted to him.....or, at the very least, to check the credentials of
the person doing the so-called "review".

> Jeremy at allgames isn't exactly the brightest bulb on the tree.  I really have
> to wonder why he would post a so called review, when the game hasnt been
> released.  I don't agree with anything in the "review", but still everyone has
> a right to their opinion

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Zonk » Tue, 29 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>The host of the review also has a responsibility to check the facts as
>submitted to him.....or, at the very least, to check the credentials of
>the person doing the so-called "review".

>> Jeremy at allgames isn't exactly the brightest bulb on the tree.  I really
> have
>> to wonder why he would post a so called review, when the game hasnt been
>> released.  I don't agree with anything in the "review", but still everyone
> has
>> a right to their opinion

No reflection on any person in this thread in particular, but "grow up" and
"get a life".

If a title receives any kind of review anywhere, the reviewee doesn't have to
jusitfy themselves to you or anyone. It's up to you to determine which reviews
to follow and trust or not. Or decide for yourself.



John Walla

My response to the "review" at AGN

by John Walla » Tue, 29 Sep 1998 04:00:00

"Reviewer", shurely...?

Anyway, no-one asked the reviewer to justify himself, it was the guy
running the site. If he wants to keep his clientele then he needs to
consider the quality of the content, especially if it is being pointed
out to him as sub-standard.


Mike Laske

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Mike Laske » Tue, 29 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>No reflection on any person in this thread in particular, but "grow up" and
>"get a life".

Hmmm, you obviously didn't read the review.  The point is, organisations
such as AGN _are_ responsible for the messages they put out, and the sales
figures that they influence.  The worst weapon of all can be word of mouth
which at its most influential can make or break a product.


Byron Forbe

My response to the "review" at AGN

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Zonk, you don't happen to be the one who wrote that review do you?

> No reflection on any person in this thread in particular, but "grow up" and
> "get a life".

> If a title receives any kind of review anywhere, the reviewee doesn't have to
> jusitfy themselves to you or anyone. It's up to you to determine which reviews
> to follow and trust or not. Or decide for yourself.

> Jeez.

> Z.

 Byron Forbes
 Captain of Team Lightning Bolt

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