Well said and a welcome commentary on the business of sim development.
The West brothers are a breath of fresh air even without seeing the full
fruits of their labors. But there seems to be another component operating
here...the business climate they are working in.
I'm quite sure they are not the only talented sim developers who care
about the quality the end result and what the users have to say about it.
Software is developed in a business culture who's values are defined by
those of the owners of the capital that fuels it. While values in business
vary widely it should be obvious that customer satisfaction is all too
often just marketing hype. 'Suits', who know little of the product or the
customer, call the shots for corporate stockholders who know and care even
less. It's ALL about profit.
Now before the right wing hordes reach for the reply button to praise the
god of profit, let me say profit is not the problem. Profit is good.
Profit is the food that feeds the beast that is business. The problem is
with the beast. No, don't kill the beast...the beast is good too. But it
is a beast. I love analogies. : )
Papyrus appears to be a good example of talented passionate people who
initially created the best stuff without a corporate yoke. Indy 500 was a
break through sim. But, as is all too common, they are no longer masters
of their own destiny. Sierra calls the shots. God knows if they will ever
let Papy do another open wheel sim, wallowing in the profits of the Nascar
So let's enjoy watching the Wests create from passion and
integrity...while it lasts.
> One of my philosophies in life has been to speak my mind when I feel
> strongly about something but also to be prepared to admit that I am
> wrong if necessary. I spoke my mind about WSC a couple of days ago and
> I am here now to admit that I was wrong.
> I got a personal email from Chris West that was completely sincere and
> the tone was one of someone who was geniunely concerned about
> producing a quality product. This tells me many things. First of all,
> they are watching this forum and taking the response to WSC to heart.
> Second, they are willing to listen and provide feedback when
> necessary. That means that when the game is released we can expect
> more of the same. What more can you expect? This kind of attention to
> the end users is unheard of in the game market today and I applaud
> them for doing so. After all, we are the ones that are going to buy it
> or not and they realize that. I think that this shows that they are
> honest and sincere about what they are doing. This is obviously a
> labor of love for them (as others have mentioned) and they are not
> going to release it until they feel that it's just right. That tells
> me that they aren't in it for the quick buck -- they are in it for the
> love of sim racing. We need more developers around like the Wests.
> I think that my prior attitude was a product of the negativity here
> and other places regarding the game and I blindly jumped on the
> bandwagon. I had nothing to base my opinion on and I made a snap
> judgment without any facts to back it up. For this I sincerely
> apologize to the West brothers. I know what it is like to be working
> your ass off on a project and hear someone say "You mean you aren't
> finished yet? What the hell have you been doing???" and the reason you
> aren't finished is because you want it to be JUST RIGHT.
> I'll be first in line to buy WSC when it comes out if for no other
> reason than to say "thank you" to the Wests for their efforts.
> Todd Walker
> twalker at jam dot rr dot com
> http://twalker.d2g.com