I knew Chris will set things straight! :)
Welcome to the club!
> One of my philosophies in life has been to speak my mind when I feel
> strongly about something but also to be prepared to admit that I am
> wrong if necessary. I spoke my mind about WSC a couple of days ago and
> I am here now to admit that I was wrong.
> It's a sim for life, so what's a few months :D What we need is a little coma that's all.
West Brothers if Todd is correct and you are reading over these, keep going
I am sure it will be a great game/sim, and I will be waiting at EB when I
hear its coming my way.
Dave Robinson
If he's reading this forum than he must be a glutton for punishment. As to
the criticism that's been leveled at WSC... I'm not sure that anyone is
truly negative towards the game. I know that many are frustrated and if
Usenet is good for one thing it's for venting your frustrations. I believe
that posts here tend to amplify someones true feelings. So if you're a
little bit concerned with the progress of the game, you may come across like
satan himself.
I've always had concerns that WSC will ever make it to market. The Wests
while doing a fine job never seem to make any progress. They always seem to
be finishing the physics model. As a programmer I know that the most
difficult part of any job is to finish it (that goes for anything around the
house too). Over the last few days I've started to change my mind. New
screenshots have appeared. The West's have somewhat alluded to keeping the
Q3 deadline and preliminary screenshots of the menu system have appeared.
All of this leads me to believe that progress is being made and that the
game may arrive sometime next year. I still find a 2001 release date out of
the question.
Let's face it - if people *didn't* want all those things, there'd be
something wrong! I think it's the sign of a potentially great game.
David. (GPLRank handicap: -5.92; Monsters of GPLRank h/cap +282.87)
The GPL Scrapyard: http://scrapyard.9ug.com
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
really" - Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh.
sorry... couldn't resist
> > I've always had concerns that WSC will ever make it to market. The Wests
> > while doing a fine job never seem to make any progress. They always seem
> to
> > be finishing the physics model. As a programmer I know that the most
> > difficult part of any job is to finish it (that goes for anything around
> the
> > house too). Over the last few days I've started to change my mind. New
> > screenshots have appeared. The West's have somewhat alluded to keeping
> the
> > Q3 deadline and preliminary screenshots of the menu system have appeared.
> Didn't GPal have screenshots of its menu system? :)
Olav K. Malmin
remove .spam when replying
Take your time West & West... We will still be here waiting even if it takes
another year.
PS: When I see those menu screendumps I'll admit to getting a little
impatient though *lol*
They look just perfect.
> I've always had concerns that WSC will ever make it to market. The Wests
> while doing a fine job never seem to make any progress. They always seem
> be finishing the physics model. As a programmer I know that the most
> difficult part of any job is to finish it (that goes for anything around
> house too). Over the last few days I've started to change my mind. New
> screenshots have appeared. The West's have somewhat alluded to keeping
> Q3 deadline and preliminary screenshots of the menu system have appeared.
> All of this leads me to believe that progress is being made and that the
> game may arrive sometime next year. I still find a 2001 release date out
> the question.
<snipped for space>
| I'll be first in line to buy WSC when it comes out if for no other
| reason than to say "thank you" to the Wests for their efforts.
| Todd Walker
| twalker at jam dot rr dot com
| http://twalker.d2g.com
Todd Walker wrote the following...
===> Snip!
How refreshing!
You are a class act, Mr Walker.
Thank you for renewing my faith in r.a.s...
-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- http://www.ymenard.com/
-- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimato Dominguez
Corporation - helping America into the New World...
Fran?ois, you crack me up!
We've been with the same screenshots for the last year or two.
Maybe I'm being naieve but if these were real gameplay shots wouldn't it
mean it's close to at least a basic demo?
I'm not a game developer but if they are gameplay shots then the tracks seem
completed, the cars do, apparently a physics model is in place as well as
Besdies al the background work, isn't that what needs to be done?
Am I mistaken in saying that one of the "new" shots from E3 is infact one
that has been available for a while now. (the one without cars looking down
the hill at a track, I forget the track, sorry.)
I don't know, that level of detail has been there since day one but hasn't
progressed in my eyes.
To the West brothes they';ve probably seen soooo much development but thats
just the problem... only they see it, we're just getting promises for this
and that.
I know they sincerely want to create the best sim ever but one thing gets to
EVERY "sim" claims to ahve the most advanced racing physics ever when it's
released however they word it wheather it be by the data they claim to have,
F1 team support, etc... yet so many have failed.
The amount of f1 games with the word "Simulation" in their title is a joke.
This has promised but han't shown us anything YET. So I don't want to get my
hopes up.
Problem is then... if it somehow isn't great then an arcade Wordl Sports Car
game isn't going to sell too well is it?
Sorry, amybe I'm being too downhearted but after a lot of experience down
through the years I hate to listen to hype, you can only jusdge a game when
you play it since so many disappoint on what they promise.