I am having trouble telling Win95 in the Control Panel/Game Connection that
I have a T2 with CH Pedals. Anyone have any suggestions? (Obviously T2
steering on x-axis of Joy1; Accelerator on y-axis of Joy2 and Brake on
x-axis of Joy2)
I am having trouble telling Win95 in the Control Panel/Game Connection that
I have a T2 with CH Pedals. Anyone have any suggestions? (Obviously T2
steering on x-axis of Joy1; Accelerator on y-axis of Joy2 and Brake on
x-axis of Joy2)
% I am having trouble telling Win95 in the Control Panel/Game Connection that
% I have a T2 with CH Pedals. Anyone have any suggestions? (Obviously T2
% steering on x-axis of Joy1; Accelerator on y-axis of Joy2 and Brake on
% x-axis of Joy2)
I am not sure you will be able to accomplish this if you have one of the
newer T2's that don't require the adaptor for Win95. If it does need
the adaptor, don't use it except for native Win95 games/sims.
First thing get ThrustMaster's Pro Panel applet for Win95. This
replaces the joystick applet in the Control Panel. Try using one of the
setups which have the "separate pedals".
Also check out Eric Cote's web page devoted to wheels and Win95
Note that you will only be able to use the CH Pedals on separate axis
and Joystick in DOS based games/sims in Win95.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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