>>no, no it's not. apparently, sierra/papy realized smaller than anticipated
>>revenues from GPL. just for fun, imagine if they doubled their take on the
>>program. the sales figures would show directly how many copies of GPL were
>>sold. if people bought it, they would make more. simple economics. i, for
>>one, would've paid over $200 for GPL if forced to. and i would gladly fork
>>over that amount now if the end result was a equally stunning NASCAR
>>simulation. unfortunately, my $200 alone would not sway the market. we
>>large numbers. heck, it might even get the point across moreso if we sent
>>to the papy crew directly! this type of act should not be silnet, however.
>>or even "silent". (oops). papy would have to know what the intentions were
>>to have the desired impact. how about a show of hands from those who would
>>support such an act.
>Remember earlier discussions about people who couldn't afford to upgrade
>video cards just to *play* GPL? Even though I've bought every Papyrus
>including Indy500, and paid $54.xx for GPL, I'm not ABOUT to pay $200 for
>game... I just don't have that kind of money to throw away.
>I'd sign a petition, though... :-)
well, the point is completely spunked. as of right now, there were a total
of...ONE (me) people that would volunteer to either send them some cash or
buy another copy of GPL to show support. i guess that people really don't
want it all that bad, eh?