Looking for Better On-Line Racing.

Dean William

Looking for Better On-Line Racing.

by Dean William » Tue, 19 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I have been attemting to race online in GPL and N3.  I read here that a 56K
connection should be fine with latency's below 400.  I have yet to find a
connection where the cars don't disappear in front of me (sometimes for 5
seconds at at time in N3 with a ping of 100).  As you can imagine, this
makes for some dangerous racing.  I have taken people out of races
accidentily because they disappear, and then reappear with me inside their

I can think of maybe two reasons for the problems.  It could either by my
ISP, or it could be that I have a USR 56K Winmodem.  I read on Allison's web
site that Winmodems are to blame for bad online racing connections.

A few Questions I have are:

Are there people out there having good races with 56K Modems?
Will a "Real" Modem help me?
Can anyone offer some suggestions that might help me establish a better
connection (other than ADSL or Cable as I haven't been able to justify the
$40+ per month to my wife yet)?

My system is:

PII 233, 64MB RAM, V3 3000 Video Card

My location is Vancover British Columbia, Canada (eh).

Thanks in advance,


Marty U'Re

Looking for Better On-Line Racing.

by Marty U'Re » Tue, 19 Oct 1999 04:00:00

> I have been attemting to race online in GPL and N3.  I read here that a 56K
> connection should be fine with latency's below 400.  I have yet to find a
> connection where the cars don't disappear in front of me (sometimes for 5
> seconds at at time in N3 with a ping of 100).  As you can imagine, this
> makes for some dangerous racing.  I have taken people out of races
> accidentily because they disappear, and then reappear with me inside their
> trunk.

> I can think of maybe two reasons for the problems.  It could either by my
> ISP, or it could be that I have a USR 56K Winmodem.  I read on Allison's web
> site that Winmodems are to blame for bad online racing connections.

> A few Questions I have are:

> Are there people out there having good races with 56K Modems?

Yes. You are missing great racing.

Yes. Winmodems steal CPU cycles making serial communications less stable.

1. Get rid of the winmodem. They work but not as well as 'real' modems.
2. Set modem speed to max 33.6k. GPL only needs about 26k for client connection.
56k will only contribute to instability.
3. Turn off error correction and data compression.
4. Get the 'offically not released' 1.2 patch for optimum GPL internet
5. Enjoy the best online racing ever created.

- Show quoted text -


Looking for Better On-Line Racing.

by Hoosier » Tue, 19 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I use a Motorola 56K, and have had some extremely good racing on both VROC
and in N3. There have been a few bad ones, too, but well over half have been
high-quality, even with pings at 200 or so. Sounds like it could be the
Winmodem, but your ISP could be at fault, too. Maybe too many people using
the net at the same time, causing dropped packets?

Scott Moore
Sports *** Network***.com

John Bodi

Looking for Better On-Line Racing.

by John Bodi » Tue, 19 Oct 1999 04:00:00


I've had great success with a Best Data 56K modem (this is a hardware modem,
not a Winmodem).

Despite what you hear, ping times alone aren't the single biggest
determining factor -- you need to make sure you've got your modem's Dial-Up
Networking (DUN) properties properly tuned.  The best guide I've found yet
for doing this can be found here:

Disregard the first part if you're running Win98, but the sections after
that should be EVERYBODY's bible for online racing.  Your best bet is to set
up a second, optimized dial-up networking (DUN) connection to your ISP for
online ***; use your original one for sufing and such, and use the
optimized connection when you want to link up to race.  It really helps a
lot, so I recommend giving this a shot first and foremost.

-- JB

>I have been attemting to race online in GPL and N3.  I read here that a 56K
>connection should be fine with latency's below 400.  I have yet to find a
>connection where the cars don't disappear in front of me (sometimes for 5
>seconds at at time in N3 with a ping of 100).  As you can imagine, this
>makes for some dangerous racing.  I have taken people out of races
>accidentily because they disappear, and then reappear with me inside their

>I can think of maybe two reasons for the problems.  It could either by my
>ISP, or it could be that I have a USR 56K Winmodem.  I read on Allison's
>site that Winmodems are to blame for bad online racing connections.

>A few Questions I have are:

>Are there people out there having good races with 56K Modems?
>Will a "Real" Modem help me?
>Can anyone offer some suggestions that might help me establish a better
>connection (other than ADSL or Cable as I haven't been able to justify the
>$40+ per month to my wife yet)?

>My system is:

>PII 233, 64MB RAM, V3 3000 Video Card

>My location is Vancover British Columbia, Canada (eh).

>Thanks in advance,


Dave Henri

Looking for Better On-Line Racing.

by Dave Henri » Wed, 20 Oct 1999 04:00:00

  Here is how you do it.  Tie up the phone line as much as possible.
SUrf, race online, do plenty of emailing etc.  Make it so she misses
calls, has to beg you to free up the line, gets complaints from her
friends and family that no-one can reach her.  then....;)

   "A 2nd phone line dear..." you say slyly.  That way I won't be
getting in the way of your friends trying to call.  Of course the ISP
costs 19 bucks, and the phone line is another big chunk...I could
probably SAVE money by using a cable connection, and that would STILL
leave our phone free for chatting.  Or I could just go back and jump in
the next 500 lap race I see......

dave(you're welcome) henrie

Daxe Rexfor

Looking for Better On-Line Racing.

by Daxe Rexfor » Thu, 21 Oct 1999 04:00:00

>Can anyone offer some suggestions that might help me establish a better
>connection (other than ADSL or Cable as I haven't been able to justify the
>$40+ per month to my wife yet)?

I wish I had your problem.  My wife doesn't have any say over the money I
make after I pay the mortgage and bills, so if I wanted to spend 200$ a
month on a faster internet connection than the friggin' 28,800 dialup I have
now I wouldn't even ask her opinion.

My problem is that I can't even get a 56K connect where I live, I'm too far
from the nearest switch.  There's no ISDN, no xDSL and no cable modems
(though I do have cable TV.)  I wish the only impediment to a better
connection for me was $$$!

My suggestion is to stop letting your wife tell you what to do with your



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Looking for Better On-Line Racing.

by g_majo » Thu, 21 Oct 1999 04:00:00

At least you have cable TV, where I'm at cable TV isn't a option, its either
get satellite or don't watch TV!  Your luckier than me!

Daxe Rexfor

Looking for Better On-Line Racing.

by Daxe Rexfor » Thu, 21 Oct 1999 04:00:00

>At least you have cable TV, where I'm at cable TV isn't a option, its
>get satellite or don't watch TV!  Your luckier than me!

I'm at the very end of the cable line here, which is a good thing, because
if it weren't for cable there would be no TV at all.  I don't have a clear
shot to the horizon for a satellite!  The price of piece and quiet and no
neighbors, I guess.


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Looking for Better On-Line Racing.

by Eldre » Fri, 22 Oct 1999 04:00:00

>Despite what you hear, ping times alone aren't the single biggest
>determining factor -- you need to make sure you've got your modem's Dial-Up
>Networking (DUN) properties properly tuned.  The best guide I've found yet
>for doing this can be found here:


>Disregard the first part if you're running Win98, but the sections after
>that should be EVERYBODY's bible for online racing.  Your best bet is to set
>up a second, optimized dial-up networking (DUN) connection to your ISP for
>online ***; use your original one for sufing and such, and use the
>optimized connection when you want to link up to race.  It really helps a
>lot, so I recommend giving this a shot first and foremost.

Strange - when I set up a second DUN connection for racing, I couldn't even
CONNECT.  I double-checked the settings, even created a THIRD connection.
Didn't work.  My original connection with the standard settings could connect,

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Go Green!!!  MSU (At least we beat Univ. of Michigan...)
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

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Daxe Rexfor

Looking for Better On-Line Racing.

by Daxe Rexfor » Fri, 22 Oct 1999 04:00:00

>Strange - when I set up a second DUN connection for racing, I couldn't even
>CONNECT.  I double-checked the settings, even created a THIRD connection.
>Didn't work.  My original connection with the standard settings could

Make sure your new connections prompt you for info used in the login
process. (at least the first time) They don't automatically take it from
other DUN connections, but instead from the registered user of the WIndows

In other  words, if your copy of Windows is registered to Eldred P.
Whomever, but your login at your ISP is EldredP, the new connections aer
going to try and log you in as Eldred P. Whomever unless you manually enter
the right info.


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Looking for Better On-Line Racing.

by Eldre » Sun, 24 Oct 1999 04:00:00

>>Strange - when I set up a second DUN connection for racing, I couldn't even
>>CONNECT.  I double-checked the settings, even created a THIRD connection.
>>Didn't work.  My original connection with the standard settings could

>Make sure your new connections prompt you for info used in the login
>process. (at least the first time) They don't automatically take it from
>other DUN connections, but instead from the registered user of the WIndows

>In other  words, if your copy of Windows is registered to Eldred P.
>Whomever, but your login at your ISP is EldredP, the new connections aer
>going to try and log you in as Eldred P. Whomever unless you manually enter
>the right info.

No, it *did* ask me for login info.  I even made sure to enter it in the config
setting.  It just kept refusing the connection...

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Go Green!!!  MSU (At least we beat Univ. of Michigan...)
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

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