connection should be fine with latency's below 400. I have yet to find a
connection where the cars don't disappear in front of me (sometimes for 5
seconds at at time in N3 with a ping of 100). As you can imagine, this
makes for some dangerous racing. I have taken people out of races
accidentily because they disappear, and then reappear with me inside their
I can think of maybe two reasons for the problems. It could either by my
ISP, or it could be that I have a USR 56K Winmodem. I read on Allison's web
site that Winmodems are to blame for bad online racing connections.
A few Questions I have are:
Are there people out there having good races with 56K Modems?
Will a "Real" Modem help me?
Can anyone offer some suggestions that might help me establish a better
connection (other than ADSL or Cable as I haven't been able to justify the
$40+ per month to my wife yet)?
My system is:
PII 233, 64MB RAM, V3 3000 Video Card
My location is Vancover British Columbia, Canada (eh).
Thanks in advance,