I used the mod in PartIII of the Act Labs pedals section on my site:
But I added a secondary spring on the brake. It did work very well, but I
could feel the transition when the second spring kicked in. The second
spring is tough spring steel. I thought I could add yet a 3rd spring to even
the transition, but couldn't drill through the spring steel so I had to
scratch that idea. When I was putting the parts away and rummaging through a
box of goodies (you know, the ones labeled "Wife - Keep Out") I tossed aside
a piece of very dense packing foam. About a minute later it hit me. Anything
is worth a try, right? It's not Styrofoam, but a very dense, layered and
shiny foam. I stuck it under the brake lever and jammed the lever from the
secondary spring about 2/3 of the way up the foam. The result was a
perfectly smooth transition to the second spring and an incredibly realistic
feel. I have to find a source for and identify the foam before I can put it
in an article. It's not a dense, pliable monocellular foam like that used in
weather stripping.
> Which mod did you do? I had a site before but no longer have it.
> > I'm in the process of finishing the testing on the secondary brake
> > mod for the Act Labs pedals. If I do say so myself (and I do), with a
> > minute addition, the pedals are fantastic. The brake is firm and smooth,
> > almost spongy. To lock them up in GPL you have to almost stand on it,
> > the feel and control is great. The same for NFS: PU. I can now fly
> > the hairpin at Monte Carlo. The control is increadible. The same again
> > SCGT. I'm more e***d about this modifiation than any other I've done.
> > still have to test it for durability (good thing because I can't stop
> > driving with them) but will post and article soon. I really fell into
> > one, too. Proves that sometimes luck is better than skill ;)
> > Slot