> > Just got thru reading my sunday paper and BEST BUY
> > has nascar 2 advertised to go on sale tomorrow
> > at 29.95 after a 10.00 rebate !!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Just went to Best Buy and they had were offering rain checks for it.
> They said they didn't have it because of delays from the manufacturer.
Kevin Callaghan wrote>>I called Sierra this afternoon and was told that
it was pushed back to late January now due to problems in the game.
Now I ordered my two copies back in Mid-October and was told then it
would be late-November when I would receive them. This only the 8TH call
to Sierra. I also have been told so many lines by Sierra that it isn't
even funny any more. I have done business in the past with Electronic
Arts and never had a problem like this. I also agree with the previous
postings about being told the same story by all
operators/customer-service. I hope in the future that Sierra can build
back its clientele because of the shoddy service to its customers,
because without us gamers they wouldn't be in business. Also, I have
been told that there are different levels of pricing for Nascar2. They
start at $29.95 and go up from there.