Thumbing through the manual.
Looks cool.
AI settings,(Arcade, SIMULATION, or Custom)
Driving settings (Opponent strength, Drafting Effect, Horsepower, Car
Balance, Speed-Sensitive Steering)
Equipment Breakdowns (includes cutting down a tire)
Rear-View mirror(As you know, this was not in the demo can be toggled on or
Drafting settings for Dega (awesome fun potential here),
Numerous car setup options, (All Papy settings and also wedge, fuel, track
Ability to look left, right or behind,
Every track except the following: DAYTONA (which no one can get) Dover (I
hope they expand later) and NHIS (Loudon, a track of truly boring
proportions, a Martinsville on steroids).
Championship season or single race.
Car files are bitmaps, easy to edit.
Multiplayer and internet player modes
A full 43 car field!
Damage settings
Black flags for rough driving.
A performance graph that you can toggle to compare practice runs under
different setups.
But alas, I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't sadly report to you
that just as in the demo, you do not drive your car in & out of the pits.
We'll have to see how it stacks up to N99 by Papy since that's all they have
out to compare it with. (Oh, unless you count that sorry-ass cartoon-class
movie they call a demo! HAHAHAHA!)