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Before you buy.
Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Before you buy.
Latest date Electronics Boutique has is August 2, 2000.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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I would wait and see what sort of display Microprose have at E3. If all
we see is Monaco again I wouldn't expect an early release. If they show
all the tracks with hardware rendering working June 2000 may be on.
- Michael
>I would wait and see what sort of display Microprose have at E3. If all
>we see is Monaco again I wouldn't expect an early release. If they show
>all the tracks with hardware rendering working June 2000 may be on.
>- Michael
Read all at : http://www.alphaf1.com/gp3/
>Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
>Before you buy.
Then there was the extra 3 week delay from when Europe got it and
when it finally made it's way to the stores here in the U.S.
Hoping GP3 will not follow the same release history as GP2.
> Thinking back to how long GP2 took from the point where we started
> getting release dates for it, to when it actually came out...
> I'd say we should see GP3 sometime at Xmas 2001.
> Then there was the extra 3 week delay from when Europe got it and
> when it finally made it's way to the stores here in the U.S.
> Hoping GP3 will not follow the same release history as GP2.