>Hmmm, does this remark imply that the horn actually does anything other
>than amuse children? I never touch it.
>While I'm on the subject... which is the most competitive car and which
>is the most competetive view to use? 'Menu' is practically impossible to
>beat in championship mode and I'm getting really frustrated. I really
>hate racing games when I don't even have a chance at bringin home the
What controller are you using ? even with a joystick you should be able to
win by 15 - 30 seconds in a short championship race. The trick to overtaking
is to be pushy when everyone else is - if you barge a single car out of the
way the drivers get cross and try to run you off the track. If you barge
through a bunch near the start you will usually get away with it.
I had a go at trying to win without any car to car contact, it's possible
but not much fun.
Also ignore the advice (in the manual) about braking in a straight line and
learn to balance the steering off against the brakes - this is particularly
useful going into the first set of tight corners at silverstone and turn 2
at brands.
If you win a cup you get the opportunity to race in a shootout where the
tracks are mirrored. This is actually quite useful for working out the best
line (identify the corners where the line is different and work on them).
I prefer the Honda as it handles well and is quite fast. The normal in car
view (not the headcam one) seems best as it is realistic but doesn't have
unnecessary distractions.
Happy Racing