It's not the boneheads. It's not the warps. It's the HOSTS!
Until we have some sort of code of conduct for hosts, we can't even begin to
deal with the connection problems and boneheads.
3 out of 5 races I join terminate early because the Host gets wrecked out,
and doesn't want to wait around for the finish.
The host runs his qual real quick, then jumps to race before everyone has a
chance to qual.
The host starts a practice session, and then disappears. I was in an Indy
race with some 30+ racers, a GREAT connection, and it sat there for over 30
min. Everyone was ready to get such a well connected race underway, and the
host never, once, responded to a single chat message. Eventually, everyone
just quit. What a waste of a great big group and a wonderfull connection.
Maybe someone should start a web page that's a "WON Host Hall of Fame" :)
After a series of well run races, you could be nominated to be put on the
page. After the webmaster running it got enough good reports about a
particular person, then they would be added to the Hall of Fame.
A Hall of Shame could also included for those not so, uh, nice.
However, this 'floating ID' problem is the killer. I wish that WON at least
had a login system where you had to create a proper ID, and use that ID
every time. Hell, if they wanted a few bucks a month to manage it, I'd pay
it in a heartbeat.
This one thing kills just about every idea I think of in improving WON for
pickup races.