>>The multicar.zip file needs to go into its own directory. There are
>>specific instructions in the zip file.
>I am quite familer with the carset process. I have about 30 differnet set
>right now. It just would not load that one. I had to delete it and rename
>one of my other sets MULTICARS and then start the game change to a
>different set leave and then change the set back to its original. In the
>directory C:\nascar\cars\MUlticars or do you mean C:\nascar\Multicars
directory must match the name of the carset's DAT file EXACTLY. I
found out this out the hard way.
==Jim McGuigan Power Switching & Conversion Systems==
==Hanover, PA Baltimore / Washington Field Service==
== ==
** Hawaii Driver: Knuckle Duster **