I'm Gavel, not Tom. <VBG>
But I agree with you about the crossover and the power amp. You should be
able to run the power amp wide open. But I think he may be using a consumer
power amp ( receiver).
My Aura Bass Shakers are rated at 25w nominal and if I push 100w through
em they get hot and the circuitry in the powered mixer I've been using
shuts down for a bit. So I've got a car power amp and a 12v converter I've
yet to hook up..( to make it portable for lans). The original poster was
looking for a a minimal sound solution and the transducers pretty much will
satisfy that. Headphones can carry the rest.
I have hooked up my whole P.A. to my computer once. 2 15 inch subs in
some old Peavey folded horn cabs, PAS mains and two 1500 watt Mackie power
amps. Wife complained that stuff was falling off the wall in the next room.
<g> I once locked the dog in the room with a loop of the Andy Griffith song
playing over and over because the little bastage peed on my shoes.
> I have to disagree with you Tom,
> The transducers you are using have a very limited and low frequency
> response. Most subwoofers have a much better frequency responce than a
> transducer. Why use a crossover, with or without a crossover the
> transducers aren't going to respond to anything higher than 180
> anyways. All power amps should be run wide open, then adjusted by
> how much pre amp signal sent to it. If it overheats you are doing
> something wrong. I use two 8 inch 300 watt JBL speakers and no
> crossover being pushed by a single 250 watt Audio Centron poweramp.
> One behind the seat and one underneath my feet. These speakers have a
> response of 20 to 4k, about 4 times the range of a transducer. You
> feel vibrations from all the sounds not just 180 and below. A
> transducer is just the driver of a speaker without the cone and
> basket, thats all. Save your money.
> > I use an Aura Bass Shaker. They're a transducer that was introduced a
> > few years back for kids to bolt under their car seats to amplify
> > the floorboards, seat, whatever.
> > They're rated at 25w and though that seems like very little power,
> > shake the eyeballs out of your head. They do make a minimal amount of
> > but not enough to be any kind of annoyance. They originally sold for
over a
> > couple hundred bucks each BUT I found a few at for
> > 40 dollars a pair. Aura doesn't make em anymore but they're out there.
> > Gavel
> > > WOOHOO! Ooops, wrong kind ;-)
> > > (for a home made SimRacing***pit)
> > > What I'm after is something that will take an electrical current
> > > convert that to a mechanical vibration. I.E. An Engine sound from a
> > > card. I originally was thinking of placing a big woofer behind the
> > of
> > > the***pit but I don't think I can get a good enough vibration out of
> > to
> > > shake the seat and***pit. So, has anyone heard of such a device
> > wont
> > > produce sound but will vibrate like hell. I'll also be hooking up a
> > > woofer for the sound effect though.
> > > --
> > > Michael A. Barlow
> > > FILSCA (