> I get that too... and have reported such. No fix I know of apart from
> running 17 or less AI.
Plenty of known fixes, you need to edit the track.ini file.
Mine looks like the following (nonrelevant parts omitted:
[ ai_track ]
end_start_behavior_section = 5.000000 ; section at which race start
behavior should end
merge_from_pit_line_dlong = 164.000000 ; dlong at which cars leaving pits
will merge to race line
pit_at_end_of_track = 0.0 ; 0 if all stalls beyond s/f, 1 if not
pit_lane_end_dlong = 152.250000 ; dlong where pit lane divider
pit_lane_entrance_width = 12.25 ; dlong width of pit lane entrance in
pit_lane_has_wall = 0.000000 ; 0 if no pit wall, 1 if pit wall
pit_lane_on_right = 1.000000 ; 0 if lane on left, 1 if on right
pit_lane_start_dlong = 20.000000 ; base dlong for calculating
transition to pit line
pit_lane_width_left = 10.000000 ; width of pit lane in meters to
pit_lane_width_right = 10.000000 ; width of pit lane in meters to
start_of_pit_stalls = 24.000000 ; dlong where pit stalls begin
brabham_fuel_load_per_lap = 3.97 ; Brabham AI fuel loading in liters per
brm_fuel_load_per_lap = 4.42 ; BRM AI fuel loading in liters per lap
coventry_fuel_load_per_lap = 4.10 ; Coventry AI fuel loading in liters per
eagle_fuel_load_per_lap = 4.23 ; Eagle AI fuel loading in liters per lap
ferrari_fuel_load_per_lap = 4.19 ; Ferrari AI fuel loading in liters per
lotus_fuel_load_per_lap = 4.14 ; Lotus AI fuel loading in liters per lap
murasama_fuel_load_per_lap = 4.37 ; Murasama AI fuel loading in liters per
[ pit_lane_0 ]
lane_on_right = 1 ; 0 if lane on left, 1 if on right
lane_has_wall = 0 ; 0 if no pit wall, 1 if pit wall exists
lane_bounds_dlong = 20.0 168.0 ; start/end dlong of the pit lane
lane_bounds_dlat = -15.0 5.0 ; start/end dlat of the pit lane
pit_board = -8.5 210.0 -100.0 100.0 ; dlat of board, dlong of board, dlong
LOS start, dlong LOS end (last 2 not used)
stall_0 = 152.25 -13.0
stall_1 = 145.50 -13.0
stall_2 = 138.75 -13.0
stall_3 = 132.00 -13.0
stall_4 = 125.25 -13.0
stall_5 = 118.50 -13.0
stall_6 = 111.75 -13.0
stall_7 = 105.00 -13.0
stall_8 = 98.25 -13.0
stall_9 = 91.50 -13.0
stall_10 = 84.75 -13.0
stall_11 = 78.00 -13.0
stall_12 = 71.25 -13.0
stall_13 = 64.50 -13.0
stall_14 = 57.75 -13.0
stall_15 = 51.00 -13.0
stall_16 = 44.25 -13.0
stall_17 = 37.50 -13.0
stall_18 = 30.75 -13.0
stall_19 = 24.00 -13.0
- George