I'm having a bit of drama with the setup at Milwaukee.
The car I'm using is the Lola with a Ford Cosworth engine and Firestone
I'm only at 100% opponent strength and I'm having trouble keeping up with
Here's what I'm running. Don't laugh!!
RF Hard 35 Cold, RR Medium 34 Cold, LF Soft 39 Cold, LR Soft 37 Cold
Stagger- +1.000"
18.00 front, 18.00 rear. (I don't know whether this is correct, I found
that if I take wing off it becomes totally undriveable!!!)
RF -1.90, RR -1.30, LR -0.10, LF -0.60
Shocks- (I'm fairly sure I've got this wrong)
RF 10%, RR 5%, LR 95%, LF 90%
Wheel Lock- 15 degrees
6th gear- 5.7:1
I found it better to drive with both the front and rear bars totally loose,
perhaps with a small amount of front bar. The more rear bar I run, the
looser the car gets on the entry to the turns.
I can run consistent 165-169mph laps with about 25 gallons of fuel. I'm
sure this is not even close to what I should be running. The best I get
out of it is about 172mph!!
Any assistance to point me in the right direction would be appreciated. I
can get the car to turn in well but I get a fairly severe mid corner push.
I know the manual says with an ideal setup Milwaukee should be flat out but
I have to modulate the throttle through the turns.