it because I couldn't get it to clamp to my desk, which has a 2-inch
thick edge.
Can someone please tell me if the original Momo wheel would clamp over
my desk?
The clamp opens to about 2 1/4" here at my house Gary, and the clamp arms
are shaped so that if only the face of the desk were 2" thick, the arms
would still allow it to clamp up.
I concur... according to my calipers, the opening is 2 3/8" and I'm sure it
would grip a 2" surface.
Calipers? You have Calipers? I use the old
dave henrie
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Why Circuit City? If you have a nearby CompUSA they have it this week for
$89.99 less a $20 MIR. Cost after rebate is paid will be approximately $75.
The truth is out there. You just have to look in the right places and ask
the right questions.
Calipers? I use a Carl Zeiss UPMC 850 CARAT accurate to .0004 mm or
about .000015in. for those who don't do metric .....................
Now that would define overkill in this situation.
Primo: I'm an engineer, so sue me. <g>
Secundo: it's the only thing in my house that also measures in Inches.