Yeah, but the default controller configuration on all PCs is the keyboard,
so at least the consoles have analogue buttons. And you can hold a Dual
Shock 2 in your hands instead of putting it on your desk. And it has built
in force feedback. That is a really stupid argument. Remember, you probably
race with a steering wheel and pedal set on your PC, which you went out and
bought as an add-on. The steering wheel I have I can take out of my PC and
plug straight into my PS2. Or I could have gone out and bought a steering
wheel directly for my PS2, just like you did for your PC. The steering wheel
transforms most games - Gran Turismo gets a lot more realistic, and you can
actually set faster laptimes and get better awards on the License tests
using a wheel. Exactly the same thing happens on the PC. The argument could
be put the other way, I could say "Ha, I have a steering wheel for my PS2,
and look at all those PC-sim-wannabe's racing using a keyboard!". You would
realise that is a stupid argument and you would shoot me down in flames for
saying it, so expect the same when the roles are reversed.
The simple fact is that a console is capable of running racing sims, and it
has the control method to match (if you go out and buy it). One of the most
annoying things is WSC never going to be released (or is it..?), as it was
in dual development for the PC and PS2. But you will calmly look over points
like that because 'consoles can't do sims'.
Somebody said the new consoles don't have a killer app yet, because they
don't have a Mario or a Sonic. Well, I hate those little characters and most
of that entire genre. Where is the PC's killer app? I can't recall a
platformer with a cute face that made people buy PC's. The PC originally
sold in its millions and stole the Amiga's audience because of Doom. The PS2
sold in its millions because of Gran Turismo 3 (and now Metal Gear Solid 2).
The xbox sold in its hundreds (<g>) because of Halo. They do have games
which make you want the console, they just don't have an annoying cartoon
face staring at you.
"How many console 'simmers' are still playing with sims that are 4-5 years
old (like, ahem, GPL). Oh wait, the PS2 and Xbox aren't even 4-5 years old,
LOL!" - SimRacer
Yes, but the fact that the best sim on the PC (GPL in my opinion) is that
old shows just how little the PC platform has moved on in that space of time
in terms of racing sims (4-5 years is a huge amount of time in the computer
industry). The PS2 can play PSone games, which are 4-5 years old, and I
still play some of them, but no sims were made for the PSone (with 33Mhz -
was it? - I am sure you can see why).
Racing simulations are a niche (and as niches go, it's quite a small one).
How many people do you know with PCs? How many are sim racers? How many have
a steering wheel? Exactly. Publishers on the PC are loathe to make a racing
sim simply because they are alienating most of the market before they even
write "Hello, world!". It's the same on the consoles. Developers and
publishers would rather write a FPS or arcade racer simply because it shifts
more copies and makes them richer. That is true across all platforms (it's
business sense), not just consoles.
"The overriding purpose of software is
to be useful, rather than correct."
John Carmack, id Software