Too bad GPL isn't available in the local stores. I just got the ACT LABS
FF wheel and it came with Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit. And since it
has a Fairway Green '98 Corvette (I own one) that's what I drove. Or
tried to. NFS doesn't cut it: I can't tell when tires start to slip until I'm
already sliding off the road, the gas pedal is either on or off - no holding
a steady speed (instead of constantly running off the road at high speeds
I tried a new track at normal driving speed to get a feel for the track), the
graphics were a lot poorer than I thought they would be, and
NFS's Corvette doesn't handle like the real one. I did try a Diablo but
since I never drove one I can't compare (anyone have one for me try near
Ft. Lauderdale, FL? I promise not to paint walls like I do in NFS). :)
I surely hope that other racing sims are much much better.
I can't speak for GPL, but after taking the Skip Barber Driving
Performance Course and their Racing Course I have a lot more
confidence in driving. I recommend their Performance Course
for daily driving (although I think they could cut it down from
2 days to 1).
Now if only the rest of the bozos on the road would get out of my way. :)
> A while back there was some sort of discussion about wether racing GPL
> improved your road driving. I think it does, it certainly has taught me
> what a car will do at the limits of its adhesion. Though I can't really
> compare my Uno (though it is a darkish red and don't Fiat own part of
> Ferrari?) to a '67 GP car, I do think I have a better understanding of the
> forces at play and who knows maybe one day it may be of an advantage.
> Chris