I am having trouble with F1GP 1.05. The modem game using two fast computers
is extremely slow. I am using a couple of the tsr's for gaps and stuff, but I
don't know if you need a specific init string or something.
I am having trouble with F1GP 1.05. The modem game using two fast computers
is extremely slow. I am using a couple of the tsr's for gaps and stuff, but I
don't know if you need a specific init string or something.
try bringing your frame rate down. we use 13.6 it gives us a
good speed using 2 14400 modems with gpgap and gplaptim tsr's running.
You might find that the Tsrs are the problem, try running without
them, basic game without any patches.
Right m8 fisrtly what modem have you got? I will assume 28.8 because
thats what I use with my m8. In the link box choose 19200bps and then in
the game box use a frame rate of 16.6. Also make sure that you have data
commpression of on the modem that is dialing. Now start the game and turn
all detail of and the road texture and what it motor on. If it all is
still a bit jerky bump the frame rates up to 25.5. OK hope this is of