THANK YOU!!!!!! Now all we need is to have 18pack respond to something. Of course,
if it works, I'll never know. :\ But if I don't see anything from him again, it'll
be too soon. :)
> > > Aside from pegging out my trollometer, this post begs me to ask the question:
> > > How do you set up a kill file? I'm using Netscape's newsgroup reader.
> > You can't kill-file with Netscape, you're going to have to change
> > newsreader to do that...
> > This one's pretty good (and cheap too!):
> There are filters in Netscape too :-)
> Edit->Message Filters....etc
> Never used it though, but there's an option there to filter by sender or
> something
> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy
> "Team Mirage"
> "The Pits"
> * Spam is for losers who can't get business any other way *
> "Spamkiller"