Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

Ronald Stoeh

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Ronald Stoeh » Thu, 02 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Did I say the world hated Microsoft? Hardly. Apparently most of the world
> likes it quite a bit. You, and the others who responded to my post, have
> chosen to ignore the main point I made which is that the bugs in POD are now
> in F1. If Microsoft was the publisher of F1 and had repeated the same bugs
> in a sequel, they, judging from some of the CPR bashing, wouldn't have been
> treated nearly so kindly here at r.a.s. You're flat out lying if you say you

Wrong! F1RS has a lot of little annoying (sp?) things and a few bugs
game doesn't), CPR has several missing important features and
insufficient performance.
BTW, CPR was done by TRI, so actually we negative guys on r.a.s. are
"bashing" them,
if you like to call it that.


Toys'R'Us '99: "So, would you like a hand gun with that action figure,

          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!

David G Fishe

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by David G Fishe » Thu, 02 Apr 1998 04:00:00

Can one person FINALLY address my main of this long thread which is that F1
has the same bugs in it that POD had. What do you think of this? Doesn't
this deserve criticism? In case it's been forgotten, I do like F1 so I am
not bashing the game but not many people seem to realize this, maybe because
most of the sim drivers here on r.a.s. never tried POD since it is an arcade
type game.



Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by od.. » Fri, 03 Apr 1998 04:00:00

On Tue, 31 Mar 1998 13:42:56 -0500, "David G Fisher"

>Did I say the world hated Microsoft? Hardly. Apparently most of the world
>likes it quite a bit.

They do?! I must have missed that meeting!

The Chrome Plated Megaphone of Destiny

Ronald Stoeh

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Ronald Stoeh » Fri, 03 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Can one person FINALLY address my main of this long thread which is that F1
> has the same bugs in it that POD had. What do you think of this? Doesn't
> this deserve criticism? In case it's been forgotten, I do like F1 so I am
> not bashing the game but not many people seem to realize this, maybe because
> most of the sim drivers here on r.a.s. never tried POD since it is an arcade
> type game.

The only problem I had with POD was screwed up sound, but this was
solved by
replacing the piece of &##&$$ SoundGalaxy Pro card with a SB16.

Of course, I run both games with a Voodoo1 card, so I never started the
version, do you?

POD was fun for a week, after that just a few laps on newly released


Toys'R'Us '99: "So, would you like a hand gun with that action figure,

          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!

Byron Forbe

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Byron Forbe » Fri, 03 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Can one person FINALLY address my main of this long thread which is that F1
> has the same bugs in it that POD had. What do you think of this? Doesn't
> this deserve criticism? In case it's been forgotten, I do like F1 so I am
> not bashing the game but not many people seem to realize this, maybe because
> most of the sim drivers here on r.a.s. never tried POD since it is an arcade
> type game.

> Dave

   Ok Dave. I don't have POD so what's the similarities?
Michael E. Carve

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Michael E. Carve » Fri, 03 Apr 1998 04:00:00

% >Did I say the world hated Microsoft?

% Um, yes you did:

% "I'm positive now that the overblown (not constructive) CPR
% criticism I read here on r.a.s. is due to some people having a weird
% MS hatred."

[soapbox mode = on]

Microsoft gets the respect it deserves.  It hypes its products beyond
belief (and then fails to deliver).  It treats its customers with
little respect.  It treats its competitors with even less.  It thumbs
its nose at anti-trust laws.  

Let's put it this way, I don't hate Micro$oft.  I highly DISTRUST them.
I dispise their attitude toward their customers.  As a matter of fact
they remind me alot of the old routine that Lily Tomlin used to do about
the phone company (back in the days when the phone co. = AT&T):  "We
don't have to care, we're the Phone Company!"  I find their tactics
against their competition to be be deplorable.  As the world changes,
hopefully we will have less conflicts over despots and warmongers.
However, we now have to deal with meglomaniacs like Bill Gates and Phil
Knight who exemplify the new order of dictators, despots, and robber

[soapbox mode = off]

CPR got picked apart here in r.a.s. for two reasons:

1)  It was HYPED to high heaven and couldn't deliver on the hype

2)  It is an incomplete and crippled product (and now we find that at
least pertaining to the Glide port -- a deliberately crippled product).

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Michael E. Carve

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Michael E. Carve » Fri, 03 Apr 1998 04:00:00

% Can one person FINALLY address my main of this long thread which is that F1
% has the same bugs in it that POD had. What do you think of this? Doesn't
% this deserve criticism? In case it's been forgotten, I do like F1 so I am
% not bashing the game but not many people seem to realize this, maybe because
% most of the sim drivers here on r.a.s. never tried POD since it is an arcade
% type game.

So?!  What's your point?

It is par for the course.  The engine that F1SR is built upon is the
same engine POD was constructed with.  I highly suspect the same team
worked on the product.  Let's look in the history books.....

Papyrus IndyCar Racing I -- great sim -- had some bugs and annoying

Enter Papyrus NASCAR Racing 1 -- great sim -- Hmmmmm  based on the same
engine as ICR I -- guess what, same annoying bugs and idiosyncrasies

Introduce IndyCar Racing II -- great sim -- modified sim engine (but
still based on portions of ICRI/N1) --  Let's see,  whoops some of the
same troubling problems -- But, hey there are some new bugs and
idisyncrasies too.

Enter Papyrus NASCAR Racing 2 -- great sim -- modeled with the same
engine as ICRII --  [you can fill in the blanks].

Yeh, it's stupid!  Yeh, it doesn't make any sense.  But, that's the way
the cookies seem to crumble.  One would think that if a software company
is going to build future products on the core of a particular "engine",
that they would want to fix the problems/bugs with the first product
based on this engine.  Instead, having sold the said product and wishing
to not invest any more "developement funds" on a finished product, move
on to the next product in the line -- bringing all of the idiosyncrasies
and bugs with it.  Happens all the time -- happens in everything --
automobile manufacturing, chip fabrications, software developement
(including "real" software like Word), happens in marriages, etc. etc.

So?  What's your point?

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by ttam » Fri, 03 Apr 1998 04:00:00

Black sky yes, except that I only saw it in POD on one track if
I recall right, and have yet to see it in F1RS. As for the rest, what
were they again? Grass slowdown in POD? Slow menus in POD?


David G Fishe

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by David G Fishe » Fri, 03 Apr 1998 04:00:00

I'm not saying I have had all of these problems, but you can see them at the
Ubi messsage boards. Black sky, driver compatibility problems (main bug),
clunky menus, patches that fix one thing but mess up another, poor multiplay
setup. No need to start an arguement, but I played POD regularly for months
from the time it was released, and I still have nightmares (not really)
about the hours I waisted screwing with the bugs in that program. I
basically was forced into becoming an expert on them. F1 isn't as bad, but
the bugs are very, very, familiar and the complaints I read are like a rerun
of last year. Right now, I can't get the replay to work in the new CD I just
picked up from the store yesterday.


>>Can one person FINALLY address my main of this long thread which is that
>>has the same bugs in it that POD had. What do you think of this?

>Black sky yes, except that I only saw it in POD on one track if
>I recall right, and have yet to see it in F1RS. As for the rest, what
>were they again? Grass slowdown in POD? Slow menus in POD?



George Sandma

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by George Sandma » Sat, 04 Apr 1998 04:00:00

Hmmm  just got F1RS today at EB.  They had 2 different packages and I assume
one was the UK version. I bought the US version. I did notice in the back of
the manual under the credits it says Special thanks to the POD Programming

Ok Now I installed the D3d full version as I dont have a 3Dfx card and click
on the icon to run F1 and I get a black screen for a few seconds and then
right back to my desktop.  I do have 4 Mb on my video card.

Another thing I noticed after installing F1RS  is that it screwed up my
sound in CPR (I bet they do that on purpose) so the end result is F1RS
doesnt run and CPR is now screwed.

F1RS is going back tommorrow!  I tried!!


>I'm not saying I have had all of these problems, but you can see them at
>Ubi messsage boards. Black sky, driver compatibility problems (main bug),
>clunky menus, patches that fix one thing but mess up another, poor
>setup. No need to start an arguement, but I played POD regularly for months
>from the time it was released, and I still have nightmares (not really)
>about the hours I waisted screwing with the bugs in that program. I
>basically was forced into becoming an expert on them. F1 isn't as bad, but
>the bugs are very, very, familiar and the complaints I read are like a
>of last year. Right now, I can't get the replay to work in the new CD I
>picked up from the store yesterday.


>>>Can one person FINALLY address my main of this long thread which is that
>>>has the same bugs in it that POD had. What do you think of this?

>>Black sky yes, except that I only saw it in POD on one track if
>>I recall right, and have yet to see it in F1RS. As for the rest, what
>>were they again? Grass slowdown in POD? Slow menus in POD?



Jeff Salzma

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Jeff Salzma » Sun, 05 Apr 1998 04:00:00

On Fri, 3 Apr 1998 02:02:33 -0800, "George Sandman"

>Another thing I noticed after installing F1RS  is that it screwed up my
>sound in CPR (I bet they do that on purpose) so the end result is F1RS
>doesnt run and CPR is now screwed.

>F1RS is going back tommorrow!  I tried!!


Are you for real?? THEY DID IT ON PURPOSE?!?!?
Barton Spencer Brow

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Barton Spencer Brow » Sun, 05 Apr 1998 04:00:00

<<On Fri, 3 Apr 1998 02:02:33 -0800, "George Sandman"

>Another thing I noticed after installing F1RS  is that it screwed up my
>sound in CPR (I bet they do that on purpose) so the end result is F1RS
>doesnt run and CPR is now screwed.

>F1RS is going back tommorrow!  I tried!!


Are you for real?? THEY DID IT ON PURPOSE?!?!?>>

Such a statement is not terribly surprising coming from Mr. Sandman, one
of the champion "everybody hates Microsoft" ***
theorists/whiners. If someone had a similar result, but installed CPR
and had their sound in F1RS screwed up, and then had the temerity to
suggest that the CPR installation might be responsible for the sound
problem, Mr. Sandman would be all over them like a cheap suit.

Sorry, George -- CPR was screwed before it ever came out of the box.

Bart Brown

Ken Barr

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Ken Barr » Sun, 05 Apr 1998 04:00:00

On Wed, 1 Apr 1998 14:26:03 -0500, "David G Fisher"

>Can one person FINALLY address my main of this long thread which is that F1
>has the same bugs in it that POD had. What do you think of this? Doesn't
>this deserve criticism? In case it's been forgotten, I do like F1 so I am
>not bashing the game but not many people seem to realize this, maybe because
>most of the sim drivers here on r.a.s. never tried POD since it is an arcade
>type game.

Just keep it simple.  POD was pure shit,  and now F1RS is not the
superb game that everyone (not me) thought it first was.  I'll keep on
playing GP2 with my friends on ONE computer , which you STILL cant do
with any other racing game,  and sit back and wait until GP3 arrives.


Remove "NOSPAM" from address for e-mail
  _____ _   _ _   _ _  _ ___   ___ ___
 !_   _! |_| | | | | \| |  _ \| __|    \  
   | | |  _  | !_! | .` | !_) | _!| !! /
   !_! !_! !_!\___/!_!\_!___ /!___!_!\_\


Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by ttam » Mon, 06 Apr 1998 05:00:00

>On Wed, 1 Apr 1998 14:26:03 -0500, "David G Fisher"

>>Can one person FINALLY address my main of this long thread which is that F1
>>has the same bugs in it that POD had. What do you think of this? Doesn't
>Just keep it simple. POD was pure shit,  and now F1RS is not the
>superb game that everyone (not me) thought it first was. I'll keep on
>playing GP2 with my friends on ONE computer, which you STILL cant do
>with any other racing game, and sit back and wait until GP3 arrives.

It appears you know nothing about the games you are bashing. Most
likely you haven't even played F1RS, nor POD.

Both POD and F1RS allow more than one person to race on one computer.
First there is the split-screen multiplay option in both games
allowing two persons to play simultaneously. Secondly there is the
ghost mode, which allows n people to compete each other on the same
machine. I don't know how you could have missed these, IF you really
had played the two games.

As for the excellence of F1RS, who made you the god to decide what
people think about F1RS? Judging by the comments, most people do think
it is a superb (superior to F1GP2), and magazine and online reviews
only seem to agree. Too bad you have a problem with that, but to each
his own.

What is it with some of these F1GP2 advocates anyway? What makes them
like poor framerates, non-variable weather and scripted spin outs so
much that they need to try to convince everyone else that they cannot
like anything else?

*** is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.