Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!


Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Ken » Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:00:00

The AI criticisms are not overblown in CPR at all. It has very poor AI, and that
is not even a debatable issue. The reasons I don't have the time or desire for
multiplayer are my own and are irrelevant. I purchased CPR expecting it to be a
good single player sim and instead find it to be a weak single player GAME. It
doesn't hold a candle in single player mode to GP2, ICR2, Nascar 2, or F1RS,
which are all sims. The AI and realism in those games runs circles around F1RS
in single player.
The Game Pad

> Many of us, myself included, have had no problems with CPR either. It's a
> sim, not a game. The AI criticism is way overblown. How much time did you
> actually spend with CPR. I'm curious as to why you don't like multi-player
> racing. It takes only a few minutes to get a race going at the Zone so I
> don't understand the comment that it takes too much time. There are a number
> of incredible drivers at the Zone to race, and the races are far more
> exciting to participate in than any computer AI could give you. The
> satisfaction you get from beating a top driver is worth 20 wins against AI
> opponents. Sims are supposed to recreate reality. There's nothing more real
> than racing human opponents.

> Dave

> >Or perhaps it is because many of us, myself included, have had no problems
> with
> >F1RS and find it the best racing SIM available, with very good AI, whereas
> >has such bad AI, no is more a game than a sim and it  ruins
> the
> >experience for many of us. Not all of us have time or are interested in
> >multiplayer, which is really about all CPR is good for, IMHO.
> >                                                              Ken
> >The Gamer Pad
> >

David G Fishe

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by David G Fishe » Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:00:00

I can think of a few people who would debate CPR has "very poor" AI. It's
not great but also not very poor. I've said earlier that I do like F1 a lot,
so this is not a CPR vs F1 (silly) debate. I don't know about how you
compare to the AI in F1, but it's not that hard to beat. Most AI in the sims
I've tried aren't very hard to defeat with just a normal amount of practice.
I don't claim to be the best driver around either. I can name a number of
drivers who can beat me probably 9 out of 10 times. I'm sure they can easily
beat the AI in the sims you mention. Racing sims have a few more years to go
before anyone can claim great AI. It's just not possible, yet. That's why
the multi-player option is so important for serious sim drivers.
 Car physics, track detail, graphics, sound, setups, and the overall feel of
the game are more important to me than AI. I want to feel like I'm driving a
CART car, and CPR does an excellent job of this. The main problem I have
with F1 is the sense of speed is just not there. It feels like I'm going
slow which makes it seem too easy. CPR definitely has a better sense of
speed. F1 feels like I'm playing POD with Formula 1 cars. I've never driven
an F1 or Champ car, but I'd guess that I would  feel a little scared of the
speed that comes with these cars, and in F1, that fear is missing.


>The AI criticisms are not overblown in CPR at all. It has very poor AI, and
>is not even a debatable issue. The reasons I don't have the time or desire
>multiplayer are my own and are irrelevant. I purchased CPR expecting it to
be a
>good single player sim and instead find it to be a weak single player GAME.
>doesn't hold a candle in single player mode to GP2, ICR2, Nascar 2, or
>which are all sims. The AI and realism in those games runs circles around
>in single player.
>                                                Ken
>The Game Pad


Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Jo » Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:00:00

Um, yes you did:

"I'm positive now that the overblown (not constructive) CPR
criticism I read here on r.a.s. is due to some people having a weird
MS hatred."

Frankly, this is an attitude beneath your normally level-headed posts.
People don't like CPR because it's generally a pretty lousy game. It's
as simple as that.

And there as just as many - if not more - people who reflexively
defend MS and anything with their name on it. Most people, though,
just say what they do or do not like about a particular computer
program, regardless of the publisher. Certainly 99% of the CPR
criticism on this forum has been perfectly reasonable.


Keith Allso

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Keith Allso » Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Rubbish! Many bugs were fixed in the various patches, and Ubi do a great job
> of responding to customer requests.
> All that is now needed is the 'black sky' fix!
> If everything is OK with you with the original CD version, consider yourself
> lucky, although I have no idea what your 'grass slowdown' problem is!

I have to wonder about your powers of observation if you have not noticed the
totally unrealistic car performance when just one wheel goes on the grass. The S
in F1RS says it all, this is supposed to be a simulation.

Some do report that version 1.07 is not slower than previous versions, but that
seems to be a minority opinion. And yes, I can run the CD version all day with
no fatal problems on my system.



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Barton Spencer Brow

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Barton Spencer Brow » Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:00:00

<<You're flat out lying if you say you aren't aware of the existence of
(insecure) people who have a dislike of MS and Bill Gates simply because
they are overwhelmingly successful.>>

So true! I've ALWAYS wanted to be a nerdy little dweeb with a Napoleon
complex. Michael Millken was overwhelmingly successful, too...

Bart Brown

Barton Spencer Brow

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Barton Spencer Brow » Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:00:00

<< Many of us, myself included, have had no problems with CPR
either....The AI criticism is way overblown...the races are far more
exciting to participate in than any computer AI could give you. The
satisfaction you get from beating a top driver is worth 20 wins against
AI opponents. Sims are supposed to recreate reality. There's nothing
more real than racing human opponents.>>

Well, there you have it: there are no problems with CPR, if there WERE
problems with CPR, well, the AI criticism is "way overblown", and if the
AI isn't exactly realistic, then you're missing the whole point -- the
sim was MEANT to be played online, not as a standalone against the
computer's AI...

Funny, I don't recall that "feature" being part of MS advertising blitz
or box blurb...

I'm so embarrassed...

Bart Brown

Joe Droga

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Joe Droga » Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:00:00


> It's on OK?

> >Greetings:

> >Where would I find the Ubisoft message board?
> >Checked their home page but didn't see it mentioned.

David G Fishe

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by David G Fishe » Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:00:00

I don't have problems with CPR. Sorry. At least no more than I have had, and
heard of, regarding F1. You should be embarrassed. Nice editing. Completely
talked your way around the subject of my post. Try actually reading the
posts carefully before you respond like an emotional ***ager. There's
another one I wrote in this thread. Maybe you will get a better
understanding of my views on AI.


><< Many of us, myself included, have had no problems with CPR
>either....The AI criticism is way overblown...the races are far more
>exciting to participate in than any computer AI could give you. The
>satisfaction you get from beating a top driver is worth 20 wins against
>AI opponents. Sims are supposed to recreate reality. There's nothing
>more real than racing human opponents.>>

>Well, there you have it: there are no problems with CPR, if there WERE
>problems with CPR, well, the AI criticism is "way overblown", and if the
>AI isn't exactly realistic, then you're missing the whole point -- the
>sim was MEANT to be played online, not as a standalone against the
>computer's AI...

>Funny, I don't recall that "feature" being part of MS advertising blitz
>or box blurb...

>I'm so embarrassed...

>Bart Brown

David G Fishe

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by David G Fishe » Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:00:00

Well, you just labeled yourself one of those described below, for the 500th


><<You're flat out lying if you say you aren't aware of the existence of
>(insecure) people who have a dislike of MS and Bill Gates simply because
>they are overwhelmingly successful.>>

>So true! I've ALWAYS wanted to be a nerdy little dweeb with a Napoleon
>complex. Michael Millken was overwhelmingly successful, too...

>Bart Brown

Barton Spencer Brow

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Barton Spencer Brow » Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Well, you just labeled yourself one of those described below, for the 500th time.

> Dave

Ahh, the famous deep and complex Socratic argument of "I know you are,
but what am I". Unfortunately, you left out the most important element
of such a sophisticated argument: the "nyaahh nyaahh nyaahh nyaahh
nyaahh nyaaaaaaaaaaahh!" UseNet is a text medium, but I'm sure it's very
hard for you to resist making faces at the screen and sticking out your
tongue, perhaps even blowing the occasional raspberry -- no fun wiping
all that spit and drool off the screen, I'll bet!

Bart Brown


Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Kevi » Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:00:00

I have the same system specs and mine runs smooth with everything maxed out.

(Remove the "x-" prefix from my address in order to reply via email)

Marc J. Nelso

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Marc J. Nelso » Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Many of us, myself included, have had no problems with CPR either.
> It's a sim, not a game.

I haven't had much trouble with CPR either.  My fps has always been
good, everything in the menus seemed to work OK, but I'm afraid CPR
is not a sim, (a very good game, yes), but since it misses some key
issues, it has a ways to go to before it can reach sim-dome.




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Iain Mackenzi

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Iain Mackenzi » Thu, 02 Apr 1998 04:00:00

Good for you! You are one of the lucky few.
I'm afraid to say that my car doesn't slow completely with one wheel on the
grass, it realistically loses control and slows a little.
Happy racing!

>> Rubbish! Many bugs were fixed in the various patches, and Ubi do a great
>> of responding to customer requests.
>> All that is now needed is the 'black sky' fix!
>> If everything is OK with you with the original CD version, consider
>> lucky, although I have no idea what your 'grass slowdown' problem is!

>I have to wonder about your powers of observation if you have not noticed
>totally unrealistic car performance when just one wheel goes on the grass.
The S
>in F1RS says it all, this is supposed to be a simulation.

>Some do report that version 1.07 is not slower than previous versions, but
>seems to be a minority opinion. And yes, I can run the CD version all day
>no fatal problems on my system.



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Byron Forbe

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Byron Forbe » Thu, 02 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Did I say the world hated Microsoft? Hardly. Apparently most of the world
> likes it quite a bit. You, and the others who responded to my post, have
> chosen to ignore the main point I made which is that the bugs in POD are now
> in F1. If Microsoft was the publisher of F1 and had repeated the same bugs
> in a sequel, they, judging from some of the CPR bashing, wouldn't have been
> treated nearly so kindly here at r.a.s. You're flat out lying if you say you
> aren't aware of the existence of (insecure) people who have a dislike of MS
> and Bill Gates simply because they are overwhelmingly successful. It's an
> issue that is mentioned regularly in the computer world. It's very clear
> there are a few of those people here at r.a.s.

   I remember when I first came on the net a little over 12 months ago I
was suprised to see how much anti MS sentiment there was. Both sysops at
my ISP bag them (and our local telephone company - Telstra) all the
time. After CPR and the need for IE browsers to get on the Zone I see
why. To me, comparing F1RS to CPR is just out of whack for 2 BIG
reasons. Firstly, CPR was hyped to the hilt whereas F1RS was promoted
more by us simmers than Ubisoft itself. Secondly, F1RS had bugs whereas
CPR is simply in alpha and reportedly unusable on ovals. There really is
no comparison.
Matthew Knutse

Ubisoft are complete idiots!!!

by Matthew Knutse » Thu, 02 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Good for you! You are one of the lucky few.
> I'm afraid to say that my car doesn't slow completely with one wheel
> on the
> grass, it realistically loses control and slows a little.
> Happy racing!

I remember discussing this theme before, the on wheel-on-the-grass
situation.I find most sims mess this up; Gp2 does the same; you slow
down as soon as you put one wheel off, this even goes for the kerbs, but
then again, the "bounce" effects of the Gp2 kerbs is extremely annoying.

in N2, it's also weird. If you put your inside front onto the grass in a
turn (road course), you spin towards the grass, when you actually loose
traction at the front, thus inducing understeer. However, this is a bit
delicate, if you were "sliding" (4-wheel drifting) at full power, not
putting in much lock, this would be correct behaviour:))

Anyway, my point is, I think it is a bit irritating when such items are
programmed to stop us from cutting bends a bit. In real life, some turns
are a bit too narrow/sharp etc (At least for me racing through), and
putting two wheels onto the kerbs/grass is quite common. Why would they
put kerbs there if the grass slowed the cars down?
TOCA is the best so far:)) Jump kerbs and cut corners, it's wild!

Looking forward to see "off-track" behaviour in GPL!:)



Matthew Birger Knutsen
Cheek Racing Cars (

"Racing cars is like dancing with a chainsaw"
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