I tested something suggested in r.a.s. As all those who have tested
this wheel will tell you that the pedals are really awful and on top
they brake easily or become inaccurate (can you say on-off precision).
The paddles on the side are great, accurate, easy to control and above
all dual axis. The problem is that the Sprint Win98-drivers are only
using them as digital buttons (what were they thinking, these things
are much better than the pedals).
But! I tried the NASCAR Pro wheel drivers included in the latest 1.3
driver package, it found my wheel. Calibration was crazy but the
paddles definately replaced the pedals. Then I went to test GPL...
works like a dream! Tested SCGT... works like a dream! Tested TOCA2...
works like a dream! Now the TM Sprint has finally proper dual-axis
analog brake/throttle that suits disabled persons as well. If you are
still using your Sprint pedals, do as I did and get rid of them!
Next I think I'll test TOCA1, N99, ICR2 for Windows and maybe F1RS if
I can gather the strength to install that piece of (expletive
deleted). Of course DOS games work just like normal since the hardware
support has dual axid paddle as a default. So that covers ICR2 for DOS
and N2. The only game I haven't got this working on yet is GP2, since
it doesn't seem to accept dual-axis controls. Prove me wrong somebody.