I am using MS sidewinder joystick
not feedback
so far so good, I have learnt to adjust according
but thought of getting a wheel
Does the wheel give 2 1/2 turns from lock to lock ?
| Are you using a steering wheel or the keyboard?
| |Hi
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| |I just got the GPL, and has just moved over from GP2
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| |While trying out on the lotus, I found the tail sliding
| |and try to catch it by COUNTER STEERING and lift off
| |at the same time.
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| |I note that the front wheels DO NOT TURN much at speed
| |but when it is slowed down or stop, it turns all the
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| |Is this some kind of bug or part of the simulation ????
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| |regards
| |Leong
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| |--
| |regards
| |Leong email :
| |===========================================
| |Singapore
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