I asked for help in getting n4 to run on sys, and many of you offered
suggestions. none helped the attempt is what is important.
well i got it to work! and at the urging of Tom Pabst i'm here to
report to anyoen with a similar system....
p3-500 256mb ram
win 98
voodoo4 4500 agp card
directX8a (?)
latest video drivers
monster 300 sound card
runnning in the d3d mode at 800x600-
in the n4 options i have:
world 40%
cars ahead=42
annimated crew=ON
all the effects are ON
sound is set at the min of 8 (but i havent tried to up it)
HERE's the magic bullett>>>> turn OFF 3d sound!
one other thing, in your contol panel for the video card i turned OFF
anti-aliasing. i'm not sure just what difference it made to say
without doubt, but it 'seemed' to enhance my colors. if that sounds
wacko, i don't know why it would 'seem' that way as i could be
exit pits and practice 18-25fps
pace lap 12-15 (starting 43d)
once field begins to string out=25fps (highly drivable)
and depending on the track, i can get 30-35 fps (i've seen 40)
what have i forgotten? well if you have specific questions feel free
to ask. i owe some assistance :)
bo bruce