MX 300 sound card. Latest drivers for everything, swap file tweaked,
everything I can do to squeeze performance out of it for games. I get 39fps
almost all the time in GPL at 1024x768 with the detail slider way down.
In an N4 "Testing" session at IMS, I get 25fps max, 20 average, and 15 or so
when I spin. That's at 800x600x16 with most goodies (lighting, shadows,
steering wheel etc.) turned off, plus no mirror. With additional tweaking I
may get 30fps at times, but that ain't gonna cut it. I didn't even try
against AI, not worth it.
So if you are in the same neighbourhood don't waste your time.
It goes back in my CD drawer awaiting my (hopefully soon) upgrade.
p.s. I'm not complaining, I expected this, but I figured why not try...