>>>: Not only wont we get the January edition of PCZone till about feb, but I
>>>: seem to download the much spoken of F1GP2.MOV file from the web site in
>>the UK.
>>>: Could someone please upload it to ftp.wustl.edu or something like that,
>>>: pleeeeease.
>>> Can someone please post it to alt.binaries.multimedia or somewhere
>>> Alternatively, does anyone know of an Australian mirror of it?
>>> Thankyou. Tom Bromberger.
>>I also have had trouble with this web site. I thought that it was going to be
>>put in a FTP site somewhere. As a last resort, somebody could put it in a
>>binaries group. But it's quite a large file.....
>It took me 30 seconds to download... ;)
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~' sig courtesy of Jorn Barger
Thanks Jorn!